Sable Island Institute – Bibliography

Bibliographic details are provided for 642 documents—historical and contemporary newspaper reports and magazine articles, works of fiction, books of photography, poetry, and research publications. They are organized in chronological order within broad subject categories. For many titles, keywords (in square brackets) provide additional details about the subject.

This list is preliminary, both in the collection of titles and in the organization of the information. The bibliography will be frequently updated with more titles, and annotations (e.g., summaries, abstracts, notes, and transcriptions) will be added as the site develops. Prepared by Zoe Lucas, 2018 (last update August 1, 2019).

Bibliography by Subject
(number of documents in brackets)

General Review (23)
History (105)
Geology, Sedimentology, Topography, Hydrology & Mapping (31)
Vegetation (14)
Invertebrates (22)
Bats (1)
Birds (43)
Horses (49)
Marine Mammals – Cetaceans (4)
Marine Mammals – Seals (131)
Marine Mammals – Walrus (1)
Atmospheric Research, Climate, Weather (35)
Pollution & Conservation (26)
Arts & Culture (46)
Arts & Culture – Children’s Literature (22)
Management – Sable Island Station & Human Presence (23)
Management – Access, Tourism & National Park (46)
Offshore Energy Industry (8)
People – Profiles & Memoirs (14)

General Review

Dennis, Clara. 1934. Down in Nova Scotia, My Own, My Native Land, pages 388-410. The Ryerson Press, Toronto. [humane establishment, life-saving, station operations, lifestyle, horses, seals]

Erskine, JS. 1954. The ecology of Sable Island. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol XXIII, Part 2, 1951-1952, pages 120-145. [natural history]

Erskine, JS. 1955. Sable Island. Journal of Education, Series 5, 4(2): 3-16.

Grosvenor, Melville Bell. 1965. Safe landing on Sable Island – Isle of 500 shipwrecks. National Geographic, 128(3): 398-431. [yawl White Mist, Norman Bell, sailing ship Crofton Hall, station operations, lifestyle, meteorology]

Cameron, HL. 1965. The shifting sands of Sable Island. The Geographical Review, 55(4): 463-476.

Mansfield, Arthur W. 1967. The mammals of Sable Island. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 81(1): 40-49.

Bruemmer, Fred. 1967. Sable Island. Natural History, pages 55-59.

Bruemmer, Fred. 1968. Sable Island. Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol LXXVI (6): 200-205.

McLaren, Ian A. 1972. Sable Island: our heritage and responsibility. Canadian Geographical Journal, 85, LXXXV(3): 108-113.

Zinck, Jack. 1979. Shifting Sands. T & T Publishing Co., 341 Poplar Drive, Dartmouth, NS, 94 pages.

Thorne, Steve. 1981. Sable Island – ‘a priceless jewel that will, hopefully, never be taken’. Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, July 13, 1981.

Thurston, H. 1989. The Devil’s Work is an Ark of Sand. Audubon, March 1989, pages 82-91.  Note

Ross, Fred. 1991. Horse latitudes. Leisure World, October 1991, 3(2): 8-9.  Note

Keough, Pat & Rosemary Keough. 1993. Wild and Beautiful Sable Island. Nahanni Productions, Inc., 96 pages. [photography]

May, Brock. 1997. Wild as the Wind – this rare Atlantic gem is home to wild horses, shipwrecks and sharks. Canadian Living, pp 34-37 (May 1997). [photography]

McLaren, Ian A. 1999. Sable Island: Past, present, and future. Nova Scotian Messenger, IV(1): 6.

De Villiers, Marq & Sheila Hirtle. 2004. A Dune Adrift, The Strange Origins and Curious History of Sable Island. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 276 pages.

Bruemmer, F. 2006. Sable Island, Canada—Island of Dead Ships and Wild Horses. Pages 99-108, in “Islands of Fate”. Key Porter Books, Toronto, Ontario.  Note

Armstrong, Bruce. 2010. Sable Island. Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax NS, 192 pages.  Review

McLaren, Ian A. 2016. History of the natural history of Sable Island. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 351-366.

Freedman, Bill & Mary-Louise Byrne. 2016. Historic observations and uses of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 1-15, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [dune restoration]

Vankevich, Peter. 2020. Ocracoke and Sable Island: Kindred spirits with shipwrecks, horses and a tiny sparrow. Ocracoke Observer, August issue, pages 6-7.


Armstrong, L. 1738. Proclamation for Settling Sable Island. Commission Book, 1720-1741, pages 219-220. Nova Scotia Archives, F100 N85 NSA Vol II. [Andrew le Mercier]

Haliburton, Thomas C. 1829. Isle of Sable. In “An Historical and Statistical account of Nova Scotia”, Vol II, Chapters III, pages 262-273. [Marquis de la Roche, settlement, convicts]

Anon. 1854. Loss of the ship Arcadia – The passengers and crew saved. Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer, NY, December 6, 1854. [shipwreck]

Anon. 1857. The wreck of the Arcadia on Sable Island. Ballou’s Pictorial, Boston MA, January 24, 1857. [shipwreck, Superintendent MD McKenna, medal, London Humane Society]

Gilpin, J. Bernard. 1858. Sable Island: its past history, present appearance, natural history, &c., &c., a lecture. Delivered before the Athenaeum Society, February 1858, pages 3-24.

Darby, Joseph. 1858. A description of the shipwreck of the American schooner Arno, lost on the Island September 19, 1846. Delivered before the Athenaeum Society, February 1858, pages 25-30. [shipwreck]

Halleck, Charles. 1866. The Secrets of Sable Island. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 34(199): 4-19. [life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1879. Lost on Sable Island – wreck of the steam-ship State of Virginia. New York Times, July 18, 1879. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1879. The wrecked steamship. Syracuse Morning Standard, Syracuse, NY, July 19, 1879. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, steamship State of Virginia]

Anon. 1879. Loss of the State of Virginia. Evening Telegram, St John’s, NL, July 25, 1879. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1883. From Sable Island. Evening Telegram, St John’s, NL, April 6, 1883. Transcription

MacDonald, Simon D. 1883. Known Wrecks of Sable Island. Published by Department of Marine and Fisheries, Canada, February 1883. [shipwreck, map]

MacDonald, SD. 1884. Sable Island – its rapid submergence. Scientific American Supplement, 436: 6965-6966, February 10, 1884. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

MacDonald, SD. 1884. Ships of War Lost on the Coast of Nova Scotia and Sable Island, during the Eighteenth Century. Nova Scotia Historical Society, pages 119-135 (Presented to the Society, March 6, 1884). [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1884. Lost off Sable Island – the Amsterdam runs ashore and three lives lost. New York Times, August 6, 1884. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1884. Wreck of the Amsterdam. Evening Telegram, St John’s, NL, August 19, 1884. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Oxley, J MacDonald. 1886. Historic aspects of Sable Island. Magazine of American History, 15: 162-170. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Oxley, J MacDonald. 1887. An ocean graveyard. Scribner’s Magazine, 1(5): 603-610. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Anon. 1888. Details of the Disaster. Halifax Morning Herald, Halifax NS, August 18, 1888. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, collision, steamer Thingvalla, steamer Geiser]

Anon. 1888. Story of the survivors of the catastrophe off Sable Island. Halifax Morning Herald, Halifax NS, August 20, 1888. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, collision, steamer Thingvalla, steamer Geiser]

Anon. 1888. The Fatal Steamship Collision of the “Thingvalla” and the “Geiser.” Christian Herald and Signs of Our Times, XI (39), September 27, 1888; Bible House, NY, pages 610-611. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, steamer, collision]

Anon. 1894. The loss of the Nerito. Halifax Herald, Halifax, NS, September 20, 1894. [humane establishment, life saving, shipwreck]

Patterson, George. 1894. Sable Island: Its History and Phenomena. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section II, 49 pages; Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co.; Halifax, Knight & Co.; Pictou, N.S., James McLean & Co. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, natural history, flora, fauna, horses]

Anon. 1895. Evidence of Marine Disasters. Tully Times, Tully, Onondaga County, NY, August 15, 1895. Transcription

Patterson, George. 1897. Supplementary notes on Sable Island. Royal Society of Canada Transactions, Series II, Vol 3, Section 2: 131-138. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, natural history, flora, fauna, horses]

Anon. 1898. La Bourgogne sinks at sea. New York Times, July 7, 1898. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, collision, Cromartyshire]

Anon. 1898. Bourgogne’s crew tell their story. Buffalo Evening News, NY, July 11, 1898. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, collision, Cromartyshire]

Anon. 1898. Schooner wrecked on Sable Island. New York Times, November 10, 1898. [shipwreck, fishing schooner Mariner, Captain Harry Nelson]  Transcription

Anon. 1898. One hundred forty-two wrecked vessels… wrecked on Sable Island. Recorder, Burlington, Boone County, KY. [shipwreck]  Transcription

Anon. 1899. Schooner lost; crew missing. Buffalo Evening News, NY, July 20, 1899. [shipwreck, fishing schooner Hattie E WorcesterTranscription

Anon. 1899. Crew all safe. Boston Daily Globe, Boston, July 23, 1899. [shipwreck, survivors, fishing schooner Hattie E Worcester]

Anon. 1899. The ocean graveyard. Buffalo Evening News, NY, December 6, 1899. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, hazard to navigation]

Kobbe, Gustav. 1900. Sable Island. Ainsley’s Magazine, pages 44-50. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, horses, livestock, cats]

Anon. 1903. Nine bodies in ship’s hull – Drifting wreck at Sable Island tells of a tragedy of the sea. New York Times, November 7, 1903. [shipwreck, Topaz]

Anon. 1903. French vessel wrecked. Daily Colonist, Victoria BC, November 10, 1903. [shipwreck, TopazTranscription

Anon. 1904. Gale driven, rowed 3 days – Gloucester men, Wrecked on Sable Island, Reach Nova Scotia. New York Times, March 6, 1904. [shipwreck, fishing schooner, Lizzie M Stanwood]

Anon. 1905. Unknown Steamer Ashore. The Daily Saratogian, February 23, 1905. [shipwreck]  Transcription

Anon. 1905. Steamer ashore at Sable Island. New York Times, March 4, 1905. [shipwreck, SkidbyTranscription

Silver, Arthur P. 1908. A visit to Sable Island. In “Farm-Cottage, Camp and Canoe in Maritime Canada”, pages 199-216. George Routledge & Sons, Limited, London. [Graveyard of the Atlantic, natural history, humane establishment]

Anon. 1912. Steamer Eric ashore. Boston Daily Globe, August 15, 1912. [shipwreck]

Anon. 1912. Plead with Sable Island – Marconi operators there urged to send news to relatives. New York Times, April 16, 1912. [wireless communications, Titanic]

Anon. 1912. Strenuous time at Sable Island wireless station. Denver Post, April 17, 1912. [communications, wireless, Titanic]

Anon. 1919. Platea Likely to Be Total Wreck. Montreal Gazette, November 12, 1919. [shipwreck, Greek steamship]

Anon. 1921. Esperanto sinks off Sable Island – Winner of international fishing schooner race founders with full cargo. New York Times, May 30, 1921. [shipwreck, Gloucester schooner]

Anon. 1921. Esperanto‘s crew safe, reached Halifax today… Greenfield Daily Recorder, XXII (122), June 1, 1921. [shipwreck, Gloucester fishing schooner, survivors]

Anon. 1922. Fail to locate 19 men missing from crew of Puritan. Buffalo Courier, NY, June 25, 1922. [shipwreck, fishing schooner]

Anon. 1922. Schooner Puritan Lost on Sable Island. Berwick Register, NS, June 28, 1922. [shipwreck, Gloucester fishing schooner]

Anon. 1922. Schooner wrecked on Sable Island – The Marshal Foch goes ashore on treacherous bar that trapped Esperanto and Puritan. New York Times, October 12, 1922. [shipwreck, Gloucester fishing schooner]

Anon. 1922. Row 90 miles in dory. Watertown Daily Times, October 13, 1922.  Transcription

Anon. 1922. Wrecked fishing crew is brought to Nova Scotia. New York Tribune, October 16, 1922. [shipwreck, Gloucester schooner Marshall Foch]

England, George Allan. 1924. The Graveyard of the Atlantic, Sable Island, death trap of unnumbered ships and lives. Saturday Evening Post, December 13, 1924.

Anon. 1926. Schooner is wrecked with no trace of crew. New York Sun, August 10, 1926. [shipwreck, Lunenburg fishing schooner Sylvia Mosher]   Transcription

Anon. 1926. Fishing schooner crew feared storm victims. Cortland Standard, Cortland, New York, August 11, 1926. [shipwreck, Lunenburg fishing schooner Sylvia Mosher, Captain John Mosher]  Transcription

Anon. 1926. The ill-fated “Sylvia Mosher”, Wreckage picked up. Bridgewater Bulletin, NS, August 17, 1926. [shipwreck, Lunenburg fishing schooner]

Anon. 1926. Nova Scotia fishing schooner Sadie A. Knickle lost in storm with all on board. Morning Chronicle, Halifax, NS, August 27, 1926. [shipwreck]

Anon. 1927. Battered dories found. New York Times, September 13, 1927. [shipwreck, fishing schooner Columbia, hurricane]  Transcription

Snider, CHJ. 1928. The sands of Sable Island. Canadian Magazine, March 1928. [shipwreck]

Anon. 1930. Sable Island has grim record. New York Sun, September 2, 1930. [shipwreck, Graveyard of the Atlantic]  Transcription

Anon. 1930. Nova Scotia island dreaded by mariners. Rhinebeck Gazette, Rhinebeck NY, September 13, 1930. [shipwreck]

Rosebrugh, DW. 1932. The Graveyard of the Atlantic. Canadian Geographical Journal, IV(2): 73-84. [humane establishment, station operations, lifestyle]

Morse, William Inglis. 1935. Sable Island and the expedition of Marquis de la Roche 1598. In “Acadiensia Nova” (1598-1779), pages 17-39. Bernard Quaritch, Ltd, London.

Borrett, William C. 1944 . Sable Island, the Graveyard of the Atlantic. In “Tales Told Under the Old Town Clock”, pages 163-171. Imperial Publishing Company, Halifax NS. [Graveyard of the Atlantic, Marquis de la Roche, Sir Humphrey Gilbert]

MacLeod, Murray J. 1946. Atlantic’s Sable Island is a perennial menace. Canadian Press, May 22, 1946. [shipwreck]  Summary

Martin, Alan. 1947. Extracts from the journal of the late Captain J.A. Farquhar. Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, 27: 101-124.

Best, Henry. 1959. Viceroy of Sable Island. Varsity Graduate, 7(1): 27-29, March 1959 (University of Toronto). [Marquis de la Roche]

Historic Sites Advisory Council. 1963. French Royal Jewels on Sable Island. Report of the Historic Sites Advisory Council, Queen’s Printer, Halifax, NS, pages 17-19. [French Revolution, crown jewels, Mrs. Copeland, Captain Torrens]

Classen, HG. 1964. The missing messengers. Atlantic Advocate, January 1964, pages 64-65. [communications, messenger pigeons]

Appleton, Thomas E. 1968. Sable Island. In Usque ad Mare, A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services. Ottawa: Department of Transport, 318 pages.

Appleton, Thomas E. 1968. The Messenger Pigeon Service. In Usque ad Mare, A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services. Ottawa: Department of Transport, 318 pages. [humane establishment, communications, messenger pigeons]

Stephens, David E. 1972. Colonizing the isle of Sable, ‘Penny an acre too much to pay’. Mail-Star, Halifax, January 28, 1972. [Andrew le Mercier, Marquis de la Roche]

Barkhouse, Joyce. 1973. The Secrets of Sable. Canadian Frontier  Vol 2, #2. [ghosts, shipwreck, fishing schooner Arno, horses]

Campbell, Lyall. 1974. Sable Island, Fatal and Fertile Crescent. Lancelot Press, Hantsport NS, 104 pages. [Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Andrew le Mercier, Sir John Wentworth, humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Campbell, Lyall. 1975. Shipwrecks and the colonization of Sable Island. Canada, A Historical Magazine, Vol 2 (March 1975). [Major Robert Elliot, Sir John Wentworth, ship Frances, Mrs. Copeland, humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck]

Campbell, Lyall. 1976. Sir John Wentworth and the Sable Island Humane Establishment. Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly, 6(3): 292-309. [shipwreck]

Paul, Norma Joan. 1978. Miracle oil: circumstances surrounding the wreck of the schooner Arno. Bluenose Magazine Vol 3, No 3, Winter 78/79, pages 26-27.

Spray, Bill. 1981. The French Attempt to Form a Colony. Atlantic Advocate, July 1981, pages 94-96. [Marquis de la Roche, convicts, settlement]

Carnochan, Janet. 1986. Shipwrecked on Sable Island, 1879. Pamphlet No.44, Niagara Historical Society, Box 208, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0, 30 pages. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, steamship State of Virginia, memoir]   Note

Mitcham, Allison. 1989. Sable Island 1855-1873. In “Island Keepers”, pages 57-121. Lancelot Press, Hantsport, NS, V-VI. [Superintendent Philip Dodd, humane establishment, life-saving]   Note

Campbell, Lyall. 1991. A unique Sable Island stranding. Atlantic Advocate, May 1991, pages 30-32. [Emma Parsons]

Campbell, Lyall. 1994. Sable Island Shipwrecks, Disaster and Survival at the North Atlantic Graveyard. Nimbus Publishing Limited, PO Box 9166, Halifax NS B3K 5M8, 200 pages. [humane establishment, life-saving]

Hodgson, Helen A. 1997 . A saga of Sable Island, 1800-1830 – the story of Edward Hodgson, a governor of Sable Island. Tyro Publishing, 194 Carlbert Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5E1, 213 pages.  Note

Stilwell, Rosalee. 2001. The ethos of voice in the journal of James Rainstorpe Morris from the Sable Island Humane Station, 1801-1802. Canadian Studies, Vol 27, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston Queenston Lampeter. 229 pages. [humane establishment, life-saving, station operations, weather]

Stilwell, Rosalee. 2001. Sable Island Journals, 1801-1804, James Rainstorpe Morris, Superintendent. Sable Island Preservation Trust, 166 pages. [humane establishment, life-saving, station operations, weather]

Marsters, Roger. 2002. Sable Island’s Royal Wreck, pages 54-59, in “Shipwreck Treasures – Disaster and Discovery on Canada’s East Coast”. Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax NS. [Captain Torrens, Mrs. Copeland, Pale Lady, Sir John Wentworth, humane establishment, life-saving]

Admiral Digby Museum. 2005. An artist’s view of Sable Island – watercolour sketches by Dr. J.B. Gilpin, 1854. Admiral Digby Library & Historical Society, 22 pages. [John Bernard Gilpin, medical doctor]  Note

Bertin, Johanna. 2006. Sable Island, tales of tragedy and survival from the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Altitude Publishing Canada Ltd, Canmore, Alberta, 144 pages. [shipwreck, life-saving, Graveyard of the Atlantic, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, William Merson, Dorothea Dix, James Rainstorpe Morris, Joseph Darby]   Note

Shaw, Robert. 2009. Excerpt from the Journal of Capt. William Smith, 1751-1753. New England Ancestors, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 10(2): 49-51.

Timmons, Marion. 2010. Dauntless Service: Governor of Isle of Sable, pages 63-74 (Chapter 8), in “Wilderness Home, the Loyalist Founding of Coutry Harbour”. Glen Margaret Publishing, PO Box 3087, Tantallon, NS B3Z 4G9. [humane establishment, life-saving, shipwreck, Edward Hodgson]

Mior, Aaron. 2016. Critical analysis and inferential potential of Sable Island historical sources. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 367-377. [shipwreck]

Martin Bouteillier, Jill. 2016. Sable Island in Black and White. Images of our Past, Nimbus Publishing, 124 pages.

Geology, Sedimentology, Topography, Hydrology & Mapping

 Willmore, PL & R Tolmie. 1956. Geophysical observations on the history and structure of Sable Island. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol L, Series III: 13-20.

Medioli, Franco, Danial J Stanley & Noel James. 1967. The physical influence of a paleosol on the morphology and preservation of Sable Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia. Quaternary Soils, Proceedings, Vol 9, VII Congress, pages 245-259. [geology]   Abstract

James, Noel P & Daniel J Stanley. 1967. Sediment transport on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Smithsonian Institution Press, City of Washington, 152(7), Publication 4723: 1-33.  Abstract

James, Noel P & Daniel J Stanley. 1968. Sable Island Bank off Nova Scotia: sediment dispersal and recent history. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 52(11): 2208-2230. Abstract

Stanley, Daniel J & Norman Silverberg. 1969. Recent slumping on the continental slope off Sable Island Bank, southeast Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 6: 123-133.  Abstract

King, Lewis H. 1970. Surficial geology of the Halifax-Sable Island map area. Marine Sciences Branch, Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources. Ottawa. Paper 1, Queen’s Printer, Cat. No.M26-504/1, pages 1-16.

Terasmae, J & RJ Mott. 1971. Postglacial history and palynology of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Geoscience and Man, Vol III, pages 17-28.  Abstract

Hennigar, TW. 1976. Water resources and environmental geology of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Report No. 76-1, Province of Nova Scotia, Department of the Environment, Water Planning and Management Division. [hydrology]

Scott, DB, FS Medioli & TE Duffett. 1984. Holocene rise of relative sea level at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geology, Vol 12: 173-176.  Abstract

Ruffman, A, AAL Miller & DB Scott. 1985. Holocene relative sea-level rise at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: correction and note. Geology, v 13: 661-663.  Abstract

Medioli, FS, CT Schafer & DB Scott. 1986. Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera near Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian J Earth Sciences, 23: 985-1000.  Abstract

Byrne, ML & SB McCann. 1990. Stratification and sedimentation in complex vegetated coastal dunes, Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Sedimentary Geology, 66: 165-179.

Byrne, ML. 1990. Stratigraphic signatures of plant communities in the coastal sand dunes, Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, pages 117-136.

Amos, Carl L & J Tim Judge. 1991. Sediment transport on the eastern Canadian continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 11(8-10): 1037-1068.

Byrne, Mary-Louise. 1991. The development of stratification in vegetated coastal sand dunes, Sable Island, Nova Scotia. PhD thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. 400 pages.

Byrne, ML & SB McCann. 1993. The internal structure of vegetated coastal sand dunes, Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Sedimentary Geology, 84: 199-218.

McCann, SB & ML Byrne. 1994. Dune morphology and the evolution of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, in historic times. Physical Geography, 15(4): 342-357.

Byrne, ML & SB McCann. 1995. Canadian landform examples, 31: the dunescape of Sable Island. Canadian Geographer, 39(4): 363-368.

Dalrymple, RW & EL Hoogendoom. 1997. Erosion and deposition on migrating shoreface-attached ridges, Sable Island, Eastern Canada. Geoscience Canada, 24(1): 25-36.

King, EL . 2001. A glacial origin for Sable Island: ice and sea-level fluctuations from seismic stratigraphy on Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf, offshore Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2001 D-19, 25 pages.

Amos, CL, MZ Li, FL Chiocci, GB La Monica, S Cappucci, EH King, & F Corbani. 2003. Origin of shore-normal channels from the shoreface of Sable Island, Canada. J of Geophysical Research, 108.

Smyth, CE & MZ Li. 2005. Wave-current bedform scales, orientation, and migration on Sable Island Bank. J Geophysical Research, 110(C02023).  Abstract

Li, Michael Z & Edward L King. 2007. Multibeam bathymetric investigations of the morphology of sand ridges and associated bedforms and their relation to storm processes, Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf. Marine Geology, 234: 271-282.

Applied Geomatics Research Group. 2015. Sable Island, Nova Scotia 2014 Topography and Land Cover Atlas. Middleton, Nova Scotia, 124 pages.

Bond, Jason. 2016. Enabling high-accuracy, position monitoring of Sable Island through the Nova Scotia Coordinate Reference System. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 265-284.  Abstract

Colville, David, Brittany Reeves, Darien Ure, Bill Livingstone & Heather Stewart. 2016. Mapping the topography and land cover of Sable Island. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 285-307.

Gray, David H. 2016. Bringing old mapping of Sable Island into a modern geographic reference frame. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 309-330.

Byrne, Mary-Louise, Bill Freedman & David Colville. 2016. The geology of Sable Island and evolution of the Sable Island Bank. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 16-33, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

Hennigar, TW & GW Kennedy. 2016. The precarious freshwater resources of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: occurrence and management considerations. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 48, Part 2: 331-350. [hydrology]

Freedman, Bill, Zoe Lucas & Paresh Lacoul. 2016. Ponds on Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 68-77, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

Kennedy, GW, J Drage & TW Hennigar. 2016. Groundwater resources of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 78-89, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [hydrology]


 St. John, Harold. 1921. Sable Island, with a catalogue of its vascular plants. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 36(1): 1-103. [botany, plant list]

Redhead, SA & PM Catling. 1983. Two Sable Island fungi, Peziza ammophila and Hygrocybe turunda, new to Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 97(1): 102-103. [mycology]

Catling, PM, B Freedman & Z Lucas. 1984. The vegetation and phytogeography of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, NS, Vol 34, Part 3/4: 181-249. [botany, plant communities, species list]

Catling, Paul M & Zoe Lucas. 1987. The status of Calopogon tuberosus var. latifolius with comments on the application of varietal rank. Rhodora, J of the New England Botanical Club, 89(860): 401-413. [botany, orchid, grass pink]  Abstract

Malloch, David. 1989. Notes on the genus Protubera (Phallales). Mycotaxon Vol XXXIV, No 1: 133-151. [mycology, fungi]

Stalter, R & EE Lamont. 2006. The historical and extant flora of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. J Torrey Botanical Society, 133: 362-374. [botany, species list]  Note

Richardson, David HS, Zoe Lucas & Frances Anderson. 2009. The lichen flora of Sable Island, Nova Scotia: its past, present and likely future status. Bryologist, 112(3): 558-571. [species list]   Note

Catling, Paul, Zoe Lucas & Bill Freedman. 2009. Plants and insects new to Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 123(2): 141-145. [entomology, botany, species list]   Note

Tissier, Emily Joan. 2011. Vegetation associations along disturbance gradients on the sand dunes of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. MSC Thesis. University of Saskatchewan.

Mills, A & Z Lucas. 2016. Bryophytes of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Evansia, 33(3): 123-135. [mosses, liverworts, species list]

Freedman, Bill, Zoe Lucas, David Colville & P Lacoul. 2016. Plant communities of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 90-113, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [botany]

Freedman, Bill, Zoe Lucas & Sean Blaney. 2016. Vascular plants. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 114-129, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [botany, species list]

Freedman, Bill. 2016. Bryophytes and lichens of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 130-135, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [mosses, liverworts, species list]

Malloch, David. 2016. Mycological studies on Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 136-147, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [fungi, species list]

Wulff, Ella May. 2019. The heathers of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Heather News Electronic, January-February, pages 7-13, Publication of the North American Heather Society [botany, Calluna vulgaris]


Mackay, AH. 1900. A freshwater sponge from Sable Island. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 10, Part 2, Session of 1899-1900: 319-322. [Heteromeyenia macouni]

Clarke, AH. 1967. Recent and post-pleistocene mollusca from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Annual Reports for 1967 of the American Malacological Union, pages 11-12. [malacology]

Neil, Kenneth. 1977. An annotated list of the macrolepidoptera of Sable Island. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 28, Part 1/2: 41-46. [entomology, species list]

Neil, Kenneth. 1979. A new species of Orgyia leucostigma (Lymantriidae) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Lepidopterists’ Society, 33(4): 245-247. [entomology, lepidoptera]

Neil, Kenneth. 1983. A new species of Agrotis Ochs. (Noctuidae) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Lepidopterists’ Society, 37(1), pages 14-17. [entomology, lepidoptera]  Abstract

Wright, Barry. 1989. The Fauna of Sable Island. Curatorial Report Number 68, Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, NS, pp 1-93. [entomology, invertebrates, species list]

Marcogliese, David J. 1992. Neomysis americana (Crustacea: Mysidacea) as an intermediate host for sealworm, Pseudoterranova decipiens (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea), and spirurid nematodes (Acuarioidea), and spirurid nematodes (Acuarioidea). Canadian J of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 49(3): 513-515. [parasitology]

Marcogliese, David J. 1993. Larval parasitic nematodes infecting marine crustaceans in Eastern Canada. 1. Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Helminthological Society of Washington, 60(1): 96-99. [parasitology]

Marcogliese, David J. 1993. Larval nematodes infecting Amphiporeia virginiana (Amphipoda: Pontoporeioidea) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Parasitology, 79(6): 959-962. [parasitology]  Abstract

Ricciardi, A & Henry M Reiswig. 1993. Freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) of eastern Canada: taxonomy, distribution, and ecology. Canadian J of Zoology, 71: 665-682. [Heteromeyenia macouni, Anheteromeyenia ryderi]

Shiers, Kelly. 2006. New species found in feces. Chronicle Herald, 58(80), April 4, 2006. [entomology, invertebrates, rove beetle, Atheta novaescotiae]

Klimaszewski, J, Christopher G Majka & David Langor. 2006. Review of the North American Tarphiota Casey, with a description of a new seashore-inhabiting Atheta species exhibiting convergent characteristics (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Entomological Science, 9: 67-78. [rove beetle]  Note

Majka, Christopher G & Andrew R Cline. 2006. New records of Corylophidae (Coleoptera) from the Maritime Provinces of Canada. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 60(2): 105-111. [entomology, beetles]   Note

Majka, Christopher G, Valerie Behan-Pelletier, Daria Bajerlein, Jerzy B|oszyk, Gerard W Krantz, Zoe Lucas, Barry Oconner & Ian M Smith. 2007. New records of mites (Arachnida: Acari) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Entomology, 139: 690-699. [species list]

Catling, PM, Zoe Lucas, B Freedman & P Brunelle. 2009. New records of Odonata from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Argia, The News Journal of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas, 21(4): 11-12. [entomology]

Catling, Paul, Zoe Lucas & Bill Freedman. 2009. Plants and insects new to Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 123(2): 141-145. [entomology, botany, species list]   Summary

Nicholls, KH. 2012. Zoelucasa sablensis n. gen. et n. sp. (Cercozoa, Incertae Sedis), a new scale-covered flagellate from marine sandy shores. Acta Protozoologica, 51: 113-117.

Nicholls, KH. 2012. New and little-known marine species of Pinaciophora, Rabdiaster and Thomseniophora gen. Nov. (Rotospaerida: Pompholyxophryidae). Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Nicholls, KH. 2012. New and little-known marine and freshwater species of the silica-scaled genera Thaumatomastix and Reckertia (Cercozoa: Thaumatomonadida). Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Gibbs, Jason. 2014. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Sable Island sweat bee Lasioglossum sablense in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. [entomology]

Lucas, Zoe & Paul M Brunelle. 2016. Libellula pulchella (Twelve-spotted Skimmer): A new dragonfly species report for Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Argia, The News Journal of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas, pages 9-11, March 15, 2016. [entomology, odonata]

Majka, Christopher. 2016. The invertebrate fauna of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 148-196, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [entomology, species list]



Lucas, Zoe & Andrew Hebda. 2011. Lasiurine bats in Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 46, Part 2, pages 117-138. [red bat, Lasiurus borealis, hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus, silver-haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans]


Merriam, C Hart. 1884. Breeding of Passerculus princeps on Sable Island. The Auk, 1(4): 390. [ornithology, birds, Ipswich sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Dwight, Jr., Jonathan. 1895. The Ipswich Sparrow (Ammodramus princeps Maynard) and its Summer Home. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, No.II, Cambridge, Mass., 56 pages. [ornithology, birds, nesting, migration, natural history, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Excerpt   This monograph (in the public domain in Canada) is now available as an ebook.

Saunders, WE. 1902. Birds of Sable Island, N.S. Ottawa Naturalist, XVI (1): 15-31 . [ornithology]

Saunders, WE. 1902. The Ipswich Sparrow in its summer home. The Auk, 19(3): 267-271. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

McLaren, IA. 1968. Censuses of the Ipswich Sparrow on Sable Island. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 82: 148-150. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Stobo, WT & IA McLaren. 1971. Late-winter distribution of the Ipswich sparrow. American Birds, Vol 25, No 6: 941-944. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Stobo, WT & IA McLaren. 1975. The Ipswich Sparrow. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Second Supplement to Vol 27, 105 pages. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Miller, Edward H. 1979. Egg size in the Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ornis Scandinavica, 10: 10-16. [ornithology, shorebird]   Summary

Miller, Edward H. 1979. Functions of display flights by males of the least sandpiper, Calidris minutilla (Vieill.), on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian J of Zoology, 57(4): 876-893. [ornithology, shorebird]   Summary

Ross, Howard A. 1980. The reproductive rates of yearling and older Ipswich Sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps. Canadian J of Zoology, 58: 1557-1563. [ornithology, birds]   Summary   Résumé

Ross, Howard A. 1980. Growth of nestling Ipswich Sparrows in relation to season, habitat, brood size, and parental age. The Auk, 97: 721-732. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Summary   Résumé

McLaren, Ian A. 1981. The incidence of vagrant landbirds on Nova Scotian islands. The Auk, 98: 243-257. [ornithology, birds]  Abstract

Ross, Howard A & Ian A McLaren. 1981. Lack of differential survival among young Ipswich Sparrows. The Auk, 98: 495-502. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Summary  Résumé

McLaren, Ian A. 1981. The Birds of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 31, Part 1, pages 1-84. [ornithology, bird list]   Abstract

Miller, Edward H. 1983. Structure of display flights in the Least Sandpiper. Condor, 85: 220-242. [ornithology, shorebird, Calidris minutilla]

Miller, Edward H. 1983. Habitat and breeding cycle of the Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian J of Zoology, 61: 2880-2898. [ornithology, shorebird]   Summary

Boates, JS & R McNeil. 1984. Longevity record for the Sanderling. J Field Ornithology, 55: 485. [ornithology, shorebird, Calidris alba]

Miller, Edward H. 1985. Parental behavior in the Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla). Canadian J Zoology, 63: 1593-1601. [ornithology, shorebird]   Summary

Miller, Edward H. 1986. Components of variation in nuptial calls of the Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla; Aves, Scolopacidae). Systematic Zoology, 35: 400-413. [ornithology, shorebird]

Reid, Mary L. 1987. Costliness and reliability in the singing vigour of Ipswich sparrows. Animal Behaviour, 35: 1735-1743. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Summary  Résumé

Miller, EH & ML Reid. 1987. Longevity record for the Scolopacidae: 17-year-old male least sandpiper breeds. J Field Ornithology, 58(1): 49-51. [ornithology, shorebird, Calidris minutilla]

Reid, Mary L & Patrick J Weatherhead. 1988. Topographical constraints on competition for territories. OIKOS, 51(1): 115-117. [ornithology, birds, Ipswich sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Reid, Mary L & Patrick J Weatherhead. 1990. Mate-choice criteria of Ipswich sparrows: the importance of variability. Animal Behaviour, 40: 538-544. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Summary   Résumé

McLaren, Ian. 1996. A reddish-legged Purple Gallinule. Birders Journal, 5(1): 22-24. [ornithology, birds, Porphyrula martinica]

Lucas, Zoe. 1997. A Black-tailed Gull on Sable Island. Birders Journal, 6(4): 205-207. [ornithology, birds, Larus crassirostrisSummary

McLaren, Ian. 1998. Hurricane Bonnie on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Birders Journal, 7(5): 254. [ornithology, birds, bird list]

Smith, Stephen J, Zoe Lucas & Wayne T Stobo. 2003. Estimate of the Ipswich Sparrow population on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, in 1998, using a random-transect survey design. Canadian J of Zoology, 81(5): 771-779. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]   Summary   Résumé

Kew, Elaine. 2004. Sable Island rescue. Friends of the Raptors, Vol 7, Issue 3, Fall 2004, page 2. [ornithology, birds, grounded falcon, kestrel, Falco sparverius, rehabilitation]

McLaren, Ian & Zoe Lucas. 2004. A possible Brown Skua (Catharacta antarctica) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. North American Birds, 58(4): 622-626. [ornithology, birds]  Excerpt

Zink, Robert M, James D Rising, Steve Mockford, Andrew G Horn, Jonathan M Wright, Marty Leonard & MC Westberg. 2005. Mitochondrial DNA variation, species limits, and rapid evolution of plumage coloration and size in the Savannah Sparrow. Condor, 107: 21-28. [ornithology, birds, genetics, Ipswich sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

McLaren, Ian A & Andrew Horn. 2006. The Ipswich Sparrow past, present, and future. Birding, July-August, pp 52-59. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Rising, James D, Donald A Jackson & H Bobby Kokidis. 2009. Geographic variation in plumage pattern and colouration of savannah sparrows. The Wilson J of Ornithology, 121(2): 253-264. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps, Ipswich sparrow]

Rising, James D, Donald A Jackson & H Bobby Kokidis. 2009. Geographic variation in plumage pattern and colouration of savannah sparrows. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(2), 253-264. [ornithology, birds, Ipswich Sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Rising, JD. 2010. The many Savannah Sparrows. Birding, November 2010, pages 44-55. [ornithology, birds, Ipswich Sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Dale, CA & ML Leonard. 2011. Reproductive consequences of migration decisions by Ipswich Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps). Canadian J of Zoology, Vol 89, pages 100-108. [ornithology, birds]   Summary   Résumé

Ronconi, Robert A, Rolanda J Steenweg, Philip D Taylor & Mark L Mallory. 2014. Gull diets reveal dietary partitioning, influences of isotopic signatures on body condition, and ecosystem changes at a remote colony. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 514: 247-261. [ornithology, birds, great black-backed gull, Larus marinus, herring gull, Larus argentatus, Ammodytes species]  Summary

Crysler, Zoe L, Robert A Ronconi & Philip D Taylor. 2016. Differential fall migratory routes of adult and juvenile Ipswich Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps). Movement Ecology, 4(3). [ornithology, birds]   Summary   Résumé

Horn, Andrew G. 2016. Birds of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 198-211, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [ornithology, bird list]

Ronconi, Robert A, Andrew W Boyne, Carina Gjerdrum & Andy G Horn. 2016. Population status and ecology of seabirds on Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 212-241, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [ornithology]

Horn, Andrew G. 2016. The Ipswich sparrow. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 242-250, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps]

Ronconi, Robert A, Jessica R Stephens, Zoe J Crysler, Ingrid L Pollet, Danielle T Fife, Andrew G Horn & Philip D Taylor. 2016. Distribution, abundance and trends of gulls and terns breeding on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Waterbirds 39 (spl): 44-56. [ornithology, birds]

Taylor, P. D., T. L. Crewe, S. A. Mackenzie, D. Lepage, Y. Aubry, Z. Crysler, G. Finney, C. M. Francis, C. G. Guglielmo, D. J. Hamilton, R. L. Holberton, P. H. Loring, G. W. Mitchell, D. Norris, J. Paquet, R. A. Ronconi, J. Smetzer, P. A. Smith, L. J. Welch, and B. K. Woodworth. 2017. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: a collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(1):8. [ornithology, birds, Passerculus sandwichensis princeps, Ipswich Sparrow, migration]

d’Entremont, Alix & John Kearny. 2018. Heron and egret influx in Atlantic Canada. Nova Scotia Birds, a Quarterly Publication of the Nova Scotia Bird Society, Vol 60, Issue 3, Spring 2018, pages 23-28. [ornithology, Ardeidae, mortality, weather]  Mortality Event of Herons and Egrets (Lucas, SII)


Anon. 1960. SPCA tells Dief Save Ponies! Toronto Star, Toronto ON, May 28, 1960. [save-the-ponies, horse controversy, John Diefenbaker, Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]

Kerr, Moira. 1960. Prime Minister intervenes in answer to pleas. Mail-Star, Halifax NS, June 3, 1960. [save-the-ponies, horse controversy, John Diefenbaker]

Anon. 1960. PM saves island’s ponies. Ottawa Journal, Ottawa ON, June 3, 1960. [save-the-ponies, horse controversy, John Diefenbaker]

Anon. 1961. Sable’s horses should be left free, SPC told. Halifax Mail-Star, Halifax NS, April 20, 1961. [save-the-ponies, horse controversy, MH Sarty]

Anon. 1961. Sable Island ponies to be free forever. Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, November 28, 1961. [save-the-ponies, horse controversy, Canada Shipping Act]

Sarty, MH. 1967. The fabled horses of Sable Island. Atlantic Advocate, October 1967, pages 45-48. [Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals]

Bruemmer, Fred. 1967. The wild horses of Sable Island. Animals Canada, 10(1): 14-17.

Welsh, Daniel A. 1973. The Life of Sable Island’s Wild Horses. Nature Canada, April/June, 2(2): 7-14.

Welsh, Daniel Albert. 1975. Population, behavioural, and grazing ecology of the horses of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Unpublished thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 402 pages.

Christie, Barbara. 1980.  Sable Island’s horses are of historic, scientific worth. Chronicle-Herald, September 13.

Coleman, Mike. 1984. Sable Island’s ponies widely misunderstood. Mail Star, Halifax NS, December 22, 1984. [Barbara Christie, horses, Andrew le Mercier, Thomas Hancock]

Anon. 1988. Sable Island’s horses origins studied. East Coast Fisherman Magazine, Vantage Publishing, Halifax NS, June 1988. [Barbara Christie]

Lucas, Z, JI Raeside & KJ Betteridge. 1991. Non-invasive assessment of the incidences of pregnancy and pregnancy loss in the feral horses of Sable Island. J Reproduction & Fertility, Supplement 44: 479-488.  Abstract

Equine Museum of Japan. 1994. The Feral Horses of Sable Island. Equine Museum of Japan, and published by the Equine Cultural Affairs Foundation of Japan, October 1994, 69 pages.

Christie, Barbara J. 1995. The Horses of Sable Island. Pottersfield Press, Lawrencetown Beach, NS, 111 pages.  Excerpt

Thorne, Stephen. 1998. Sable ponies may need controls – biologists. National General News, June 1, 1998. [horse controversy]

Deakin, Basil. 1998. Sable horses should be left ‘wild and free’. Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, June 16, 1998. [horse controversy]

Anon. 1998. Humans the hazard, not Sable horses. Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, June 1998. [horse controversy]

Nickerson, Colin. 1998. Horses threaten island. Boston Globe, July 25, 1998. [horse controversy]

McKinley, V & A Burke. 2000. A new control sample for season of death estimates for Equus caballus from dental thin-sections. Archaeozoologia, XI: 33-42. [horses]   Note

Dohner, JV. 2001. Sable Island, pages 371-374 in The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.  Note

Nunn, Bruce. 2001. Ropin’ and Ridin’ on Sable Island, How children’s protests saved Sable’s horsey history, pages 24-26, in “More History with a Twist”. Nimbus. [save-the-ponies]

Kimura, Rikako. 2001. Volatile substances in feces, urine and urine-marked feces of feral horses. Canadian J of Animal Science, 81: 411-420.  Abstract

Nunn, Bruce. 2005. Sable Island’s miracle of life. Lifestyle Nova Scotia Magazine, Spring. [history, horses]

Kimura, R. 2007. Feral horses of Sable Island. Pages 47-83 in Mandala of Equus: Field Science for Wild Horses, Zebras and Donkeys. University of Tokyo Press, 2007. (Language, Japanese)  Note

Plante, Yves, Jose Luis Vega-Pla, Zoe Lucas, Dave Colling, Brigitte de March & Fiona Buchanan. 2007. Genetic diversity in a feral horse population from Sable Island, Canada. J Heredity, 98(6): 594-602.   Summary

Plante, Yves. 2007. Genetic diversity in the Sable Island horse population. Genesis – The Quarterly Publication of Rare Breeds Canada, 22(4): 7-11.   Summary

Lucas, Zoe. 2009. The Sable Island Horses: a Tapestry of Questions. Genesis, The Quarterly Publication of Rare Breeds Canada, 24(4): 11-15.   Summary

Lucas, Z, PD McLoughlin, DW Coltman & C Barber. 2009. Multiscale analysis reveals restricted gene flow and a linear gradient in heterozygosity for an island population of feral horses. Canadian J of Zoology, 87: 310-316. [genetics]   Summary

Contasti, Adrienne L, Emily J Tissier, Jill F Johnstone & Philip D McLoughlin. 2012. Explaining spatial heterogeneity in population dynamics and genetics from spatial variation in resources for a large herbivore. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47858. [horses]

Prystupa, JM, R Juras, EG Cothran, FC Buchanan & Y Plante. 2012. Genetic diversity and admixture among Canadian, Mountain and Moorland and Nordic pony populations. Animal, 6(1): 19-30 (The Animal Consortium 2011). [horses]

Colley, Sherri Borden. 2013. Quest carries on for key to Sable horses. Herald News, November 28, 2013. [genetics, Timothy Frasier, Saint Mary’s University]

Contasti, Adrienne L, Floris M van Beest, Eric Vander Wal & Philip McLoughlin. 2013. Identifying hidden sinks in growing populations from individual fates and movements: the feral horses of Sable Island. J Wildlife Management, 77(8): 1545-1552.

Uzan, Andrea Jean. 2013. Estimation of effective population size (Ne) in an island population of feral horses (Equus caballus L.). Saint Mary’s University, April 17, 2013. [genetics]

Jurga, Fran. 2013. Wild horses on Canada’s Sable Island waste time “shopping” for grazing space. EQUUS, September 24, 2013.

Beeby, Dean. 2014. Sable Island horses may face extinction, Parks Canada report warns. CBC News, November 28, 2014.

Richard, Emmanuelle, Steven E Simpson, Sarah A Medill & Philip D McLoughlin. 2014. Interacting effects of age, density, and weather on survival and current reproduction for a large mammal. Ecology and Evolution, 4(19): 3851-3860. [horses]

van Beest, Floris M, Antonio Uzai, Eric Vander Wal, Michel P Laforge, Adrienne L Contasti, David A Colville & Philip D McLoughlin. 2014. Increasing density leads to generalization in both coarse-grained habitat selection and fine-grained resource selection in a large mammal. J Animal Ecology, 83: 147-156. [horses]

Weisgerber, Jordan N, Sarah A Medill & Philip D McLoughlin. 2015. Parallel-laser photogrammetry to estimate body size in free-ranging mammals. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39(2): 422-428. [horses]

Clare, Tria, Zoe Lucas, Brenna A McLeod & Timothy Frasier. 2015. Procedures for optimizing the recovery of DNA from mammalian carcasses. Conservation Genetics Resources, DOI 10.1007/s12686-015-0428-4, 3 pages. [horses]

Manning, Jeffrey A, Sarah Medill & Philip McLoughlin. 2015. Climate fluctuations interact with local demography and resources to predict spatially dynamic adult sex ratios in a megaherbivore. Oikos, 124: 1132-1141. [horses]

Rozen-Rechels, David, Floris M van Beest, Emmanuelle Richard, Antonio Uzal, Sarah A Medill & Philip D McLoughlin. 2015. Density-dependent, central-place foraging in a grazing herbivore: competition and tradeoffs in time allocation near water. Oikos, 124: 1142-1150. [horses]

Uzans, Andrea J, Zoe Lucas, Brenna A McLeod & Timothy R Frasier. 2015. Small Ne of the isolated and unmanaged horse population on Sable Island. J Heredity, 106(5): 660-665. [genetics]

Timonin, Mary. 2016. Sable Island horses buck bacteria trend. The Horse, Your Guide to Equine Health, January 16, 2016.

Charlton, Jonathan. 2016. Rebounding grey seal population may be helping Sable Island horses, U of S researcher says. Saskatoon StarPhoenix, August 3, 2016.

LaForge, Michel P. 2016. Scale-dependent effects of density and habitat on foal survival. J Wildlife Management, 80(2): 347-354. [horses]

Frasier, Timothy R, Zoe Lucas, Brenna A McLeod & Philip D McLoughlin. 2016. The Horses of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 270-299, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

Manning, Jeffrey A & Philip D McLoughlin. 2017. Climatic conditions cause spatially dynamic polygyny thresholds in a large mammal. J of Animal Ecology, 86: 296-304. [horses]

Debeffe, Lucie, Jocelyn Poissant & Philip D McLoughlin. 2017. Individual quality and age but not environmental or social conditions modulate costs of reproduction in a capital breeder. Ecology and Evolution 7, pages 5580-5591. [horses]

Ahn S, EM Redman, S Gavriliuc S, J Bellaw, JS Gilleard, PD McLoughlin & J Poissant. 2024. Mixed strongyle parasite infections vary across host age and space in a population of feral horses. Parasitology 1–18. [horses, disease ecology, DNA metabarcoding, gastrointestinal parasite, ITS2, mixed Infection, nemabiome]


Marine Mammals – Cetaceans

Sergeant, DE, AW Mansfield & B Beck. 1970. Inshore records of cetacea for Eastern Canada, 1949-1968. J Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 27(11): 1903-1915.

Geraci, JR & DJ St Aubin. 1977. Mass stranding of the long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melaena, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 34: 2196-2199. [cetaceans]

Lawson, John W & James D Eddington. 1998. A first Eastern Canadian stranding record for Risso’s Dolphin, Grampus griseus. Northeastern Naturalist, 5(3): 215-218. [cetaceans]

Lucas, Zoe N & Sasha K Hooker. 2000. Cetacean strandings on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1970-1998. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 114(1): 45-61.  Abstract


Marine Mammals – Seals

Boulva, Jean. 1971. Observations on a colony of whelping harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 28: 755-759.

Boness, DJ & H James. 1979. Reproductive behaviour of the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Zoology London, 188: 477-500.

Boulva, J & IA McLaren. 1979. Biology of the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina, in Eastern Canada. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin 200.

Miller, EH & DJ Boness. 1979. Remarks on display functions of the snout of the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus (Fab.), with comparative notes. Canadian J of Zoology, 57: 140-148.  Abstract

Gray, DF & B Beck. 1979. Eastern Canadian grey seal: 1978 Research Report & Stock Assessment. CAFSAC Research Document 79/38. [Halichoerus grypus]

Boness, DJ, SS Anderson & CR Cox. 1982 . Functions of female aggression during the pupping and mating season of grey seals, Halichoerus grypus (Fabricius). Canadian J of Zoology, 60: 2270-2278.

Beck, Brian. 1983. The Grey Seal in Eastern Canada. Underwater World, DFO/1861, UW/26, Cat No. Fs 41-33/20 – 1983E, Communications Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa ON. [Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Brian. 1983. The Harbour Seal in Canada. Underwater World, DFO/1362, UW/27E, Cat No. Fs 41-33/27 – 1983E, Communications Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa ON. [Phoca vitulina]

Boness, Daryl J. 1984. Activity budget of male grey seals, Halichoerus grypus. J Mammalogy, 65(2): 291-297.

Addison, RF, PF Brodie, A Edwards & MC Sadler. 1986. Mixed function oxidase activity in the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) from Sable Is., N.S. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 85C(1): 121-124.

Thurston, Harry. 1986. The ugly seals. Equinox, Nov-Dec 1986. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, Eastern Fishermen’s Federation, seal cull]

Godsell, Janet. 1988. Herd formation and haul-out behaviour in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). J Zoology London, 215: 83-98.

Stobo, WT, B Beck & LP Fanning. 1990. Seasonal sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) abundance in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), in “Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts”. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222, ed. WD Bowen, pages 147-162. [parasitology]

Stobo, WT & KCT Zwanenburg. 1990. Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup production of Sable Island and estimates of recent production in the Northwest Atlantic, in “Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts”. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222, ed. WD Bowen, pages 171-184.

Zwanenburg, KCT & WD Bowen. 1990. Population trends of the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) in Eastern Canada, in “Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts”. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222, ed. WD Bowen, pages 185-197.

Benoit, D & WD Bowen. 1990. Seasonal and geographic variation in the diet of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Eastern Canada, in “Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts”. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222, ed. WD Bowen, pages 215-226.

Stobo, WT, B Beck & JK Horne. 1990. Seasonal movements of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Northwest Atlantic, in “Population Biology of Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in Relation to its Intermediate and Seal Hosts”. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222, ed. WD Bowen, pages 199-213.

Oftedal, Olav T, W Don Bowen, Elsie M Widdowson & Daryl J Boness. 1991. The prenatal molt and its ecological significance in hooded and harbor seals. Canadian J of Zoology, 69: 2489-2493. [Phoca vitulina]

Bowen, WD, WT Stobo & SJ Smith. 1992 . Mass changes of grey seal Halichoerus grypus pups on Sable Island: differential maternal investment reconsidered. J Zoology London, 227: 607-622.  Abstract

Boness, DJ, Don Bowen, Sara Iverson & Olaf T Oftedal. 1992. Influence of storms and maternal size on mother-pup separations and fostering in the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina. Canadian J of Zoology, 70(8): 1640-1644.

Bowen, W Don, Olaf T Oftedal & Daryl J Boness. 1992. Mass and energy transfer during lactation in a small phocid, the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Physiological Zoology, 65(4): 844-866.

Ross, PS, B Pohajdak, WD Bowen & RF Addison. 1993. Immune function in free-ranging harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) mothers and their pups during lactation. J Wildlife Diseases, 29(1): 21-29.

Muelbert, MMC & WD Bowen. 1993. Duration of lactation and postweaning changes in mass and body composition of harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, pups. Canadian J of Zoology, 71: 1405-1414.

Walker, BG & WD Bowen. 1993. Changes in body mass and feeding behaviour in male harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, in relation to female reproductive status. J Zoology London, 231: 423-436

Walker, BG & WD Bowen. 1993. Behavioural differences among adult male harbour seals during the breeding season may provide evidence of reproductive strategies. Canadian J Zoology, 71: 1585-1591. [Phoca vitulina]

Bowen, WD, JW Lawson & B Beck. 1993. Seasonal and geographic variation in species composition and size of prey consumed by grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on the Scotian Shelf. Canadian J of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 50: 1768-1778.

Iverson, Sara J, W Don Bowen, Daryl J Boness & Olav T Oftedal. 1993. The effect of maternal size and milk energy output on pup growth in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Physiological Zoology, 66(1): 61-88.

Anon. 1994. Relationship between grey seals and fish not as simple as it looks. Sou’Wester, 26(18), Fisheries Profile, June 15, 1994. [seal diet, Scotian Shelf cod, time/depth recorders, Don Bowen]

Bowen, WD & GD Harrison. 1994. Offshore diet of grey seals Halichoerus grypus near Sable Island, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 112: 1-11.

Bowen, WD, OT Oftedal, DJ Boness & SJ Iverson. 1994. The effect of maternal age and other factors on birth mass in the harbour seal. Canadian J Zoology, 72: 8-14. [Phoca vitulina]

Stobo, WT & John K Horne. 1994. Tag loss in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and potential effects on population estimates. Canadian J Zoology, 72: 555-561.

Boness, DJ, WD Bowen & OT Oftedal. 1994. Evidence of a maternal foraging cycle resembling that of otariid seals in a small phocid, the harbor seal. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 34: 95-104.

Iverson, SJ, M Hamosh & WD Bowen. 1995. Lipoprotein lipase activity and its relationship to high milk fat transfer during lactation in grey seals. J Comparative Physiology B, 165(5): 384-395. [Halichoerus grypus]

Boness, Daryl J, W Don Bowen & Sara J Iverson. 1995. Does male harassment of females contribute to reproductive synchrony in the grey seal by affecting maternal performance? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 36: 1-10. [Halichoerus grypus]

Meyers, RA, WD Bowen & WT Stobo. 1997. Duration of pelage stages of grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, pups. Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat, Research Document 97/11.

Smith, Stephen J, Sara J Iverson & WD Bowen. 1997. Fatty acid signatures and classification trees: new tools for investigating the foraging ecology of seals. Canadian J Fisheries & Aquatic Science, 54: 1377-1386. [Phoca vitulina]

Coltman, Dave W, W Don Bowen, Daryl J Boness & Sara J Iverson. 1997. Balancing foraging and reproduction in the male harbour seal, an aquatically mating pinniped. Animal Behaviour, 54: 663-678. [Phoca vitulina]

Coltman, Dave W, WD Bowen & Jonathan M Wright. 1998. Birth weight and neonatal survival of harbour seal pups are positively correlated with genetic variation measured by microsatellites. Proceedings Royal Society London B. [Phoca vitulina]

Coltman, Dave W, WD Bowen & Jonathan M Wright. 1998. Male mating success in an aquatically mating pinniped, the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina), assessed by microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology, 7: 627-638. [genetics]

Bowen, WD, DJ Boness & SJ Iverson. 1998. Estimation of total body water in harbor seals: how useful is bioelectrical impedance analysis? Marine Mammal Science, 14(4): 765-777. [Phoca vitulina]

Perry, Elizabeth A, Daryl J Boness & Robert C Fleischer. 1998. DNA fingerprinting evidence of nonfilial nursing in grey seals. Molecular Ecology, 7: 81-85. [genetics, Halichoerus grypus]

Toughill, Kelly. 1999. Discovering the secret of seal milk. Toronto Star, Science, January 24, 1999. [Sara Iverson, Dalhousie University, fatty acids, seal fat, blubber, grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, DJ Boness & SJ Iverson. 1999. Diving behaviour of lactating harbour seals and their pups during maternal foraging trips. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 77: 978-988. [Phoca vitulina]

Coltman, Dave W, W Don Bowen & Jonathan Wright. 1999. A multivariate analysis of phenotype and paternity in male harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Behavioral Ecology, 10(2): 169-177.

Schaeff, CM, DJ Boness & WD Bowen. 1999. Female distribution, genetic relatedness, and fostering behaviour in harbour seals, Phoca vitulina. Animal Behaviour, 57: 427-434.

Mellish, Jo-Ann E, Sara J Iverson & W Don Bowen. 1999. Variation in milk production and lactation performance in grey seals and consequences for pup growth and weaning characteristics. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 72(6): 677-690. [Halichoerus grypus]

Ambs, Suzanne M, Daryl J Boness, W Don Bowen, Elizabeth A Perry & Robert C Fleischer. 1999. Proximate factors associated with high levels of extra-consort fertilization in polygynous grey seals. Animal Behaviour, 58: 527-535. [Halichoerus grypus]

Lucas, Z & WT Stobo. 2000. Shark-inflicted mortality on a population of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J of Zoology, London, 252: 405-414.  Abstract

McCulloch, S & DJ Boness. 2000. Mother-pup vocal recognition in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J of Zoology, London, 251: 449-455.

Ellis, Sara L, W Don Bowen, Daryl J Boness & Sara J Iverson. 2000. Maternal effects on offspring mass and stage of development at birth in the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina. J Mammalogy, 81(4): 1143-1156.

Mellish, Jo-Ann E, Sara J Iverson & W Don Bowen. 2000. Metabolic compensation during high energy output in fasting, lactating grey seals (Halichoerus grypus): metabolic ceilings revisited. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B267: 1245-1251.

Beck, Carrie A, W Don Bowen & Sara J Iverson. 2000. Seasonal changes in buoyancy and diving behaviour of adult grey seals. J Experimental Biology, 203: 2323-2330. [Halichoerus grypus]

Scharwz, Carl J & Wayne T Stobo. 2000. Estimation of juvenile survival, adult survival, and age-specific pupping probabilities for the female grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) on Sable Island from capture–recapture data. Canadian J Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57: 247-253.

Fowler, G Mark & Wayne T Stobo. 2001. Patterns of abundance and maturity among three species of nematodes (Pseudoterranova decipiens, Contracaecum osculatum, Anisakis simplex) co-existing in Sable Island grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). NAMMCO Scientific Publications, 3: 149-160. [parasitology]

Stobo, WT & G Mark Fowler. 2001. Sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) dynamics in Sable Island grey seals (Halichoerus grypus): seasonal fluctuations and other changes in worm infections during the 1980s. NAMMCO Scientific Publications, 3: 129-147. [parasitology]

Bowen, WD, SL Ellis, SJ Iverson & DJ Boness. 2001. Maternal effects on offspring growth rate and weaning mass in harbour seals. Canadian J of Zoology, 79:1088-1101. [Phoca vitulina]

Bowen, WD, SJ Iverson, DJ Boness & OT Oftedal. 2001. Foraging effort, food intake and lactation performance depend on maternal mass in a phocid seal. Functional Ecology, 15: 325-334. [harbour seal, Phoca vitulina]

Lidgard, DC, DJ Boness & WD Bowen. 2001. A novel mobile approach to investigating mating tactics in male grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). J Zoology London, 255: 313-320. [VHF transmitter, time-depth recorder]

Mellish, JE & SJ Iverson. 2001. Blood metabolites as indicators of nutrient utilization in fasting, lactating phocid seals: does depletion of nutrient reserves terminate lactation? Canadian J of Zoology, 79: 303-311. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, free fatty acids]

Perry, Elizabeth A, Daryl J Boness & Stephen J Insley. 2002. Effects of sonic booms on breeding gray seals and harbor seals on Sable Island, Canada. J Acoustical Society of America, 111(1), Part 2: 599-609. [Halichoerus grypus, Phoca vitulinaAbstract

Lucas, Zoe & Pierre-Yves Daoust . 2002. Large increases of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, since 1995. Polar Biology, 25: 562-568. [Pagophilus groenlandicus, extralimital occurrences]  Abstract

Lucas, Zoe N & Donald F McAlpine. 2002. Extralimital occurrences of ringed seals, Phoca hispida, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 116(4): 607-610.

Stobo, Wayne T, L Paul Fanning, Brian Beck & G Mark Fowler. 2002. Abundance and maturity of three species of parasitic anisakine nematodes (Pseudoterranova decipiens, Contracaecum osculatum, Anisakis simplex) occurring in Sable Island harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Canadian J of Zoology, 80: 442-449. [parasitology]

Bowen, WD, D Tully, DJ Boness, BM Bulheier & GJ Marshall. 2002. Prey-dependent foraging tactics and prey profitability in a marine mammal. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 244: 235-245. [harbour seal, Phoca vitulina]

Lucas, Zoe, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Gary Conboy & Michael Brimacombe. 2003. Health status of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, concurrent with their expanding range. J of Wildlife Diseases, 39(1): 16-28. [Pagophilus groenlandicus, extralimital occurrences]  Abstract

Muelbert, MMC, WD Bowen & SJ Iverson. 2003. Weaning mass affects body composition and food intake in harbour seal pups during the first month of independence. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 76(3): 418-427. [Phoca vitulina]

Bowen, W Don, Sara L Ellis, Sara J Iverson & Daryl J Boness. 2003. Maternal and newborn life-history traits during periods of contrasting population trends: implications for explaining the decline of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), on Sable Island. J Zoology London, 261: 155-163.  Abstract

Bowen, WD, J McMillan & R Mohn. 2003. Sustained exponential population growth of grey seals at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 1265-1274. [Halichoerus grypusAbstract

Lidgard, Damian C, Daryl J Boness, W Don Bowen & Jim I McMillan. 2003. Diving behaviour during the breeding season in the terrestrially breeding male grey seal: implications for alternative mating tactics. Canadian J of Zoology, 81: 1025-1033. [Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Carrie A, W Don Bowen, Jim I McMillan & Sara J Iverson. 2003. Sex differences in diving at multiple temporal scales in a size-dimorphic capital breeder. J Animal Ecology, 72: 979-993. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Carrie A, W Don Bowen, Jim I McMillan & Sara J Iverson. 2003. Sex differences in the diving behaviour of a size-dimorphic capital breeder: the grey seal. Animal Behaviour, 64. [Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Carrie A, W Don Bowen & Sara J Iverson. 2003. Sex differences in the seasonal patterns of energy storage and expenditure in a phocid seal. J Animal Ecology, 72: 280-291. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Lidgard, Damian C. 2004. The rate of fertilization in male mating tactics of the polygynous grey seal. Molecular Ecology, 13: 3543-3548. [Halichoerus grypus]

Austin, D, WD Bowen & JI McMillan. 2004. Intraspecific variation in movement patterns: modeling individual behaviour in a large marine predator. OIKOS, 105: 15-30. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Handwerk, Brian. 2004. Sharks blamed in island seal-decline mystery. National Geographic News, March 10, 2004. [seal mortality, harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, Greenland shark, Bedford Institute of Oceanography]

Lang, SLC, SJ Iverson & WD Bowen. 2005. Individual variation in milk composition over lactation in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and the potential consequences of intermittent attendance. Canadian J of Zoology, 83: 1525-1531.

Bowen, WD, JI McMillan & W Blanchard. 2005. Reduced rate of increase in grey seals at Sable Island – an estimate of 2004 pup production. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2005/068. [Halichoerus grypus]

Lidgard, Damian C, Daryl J Boness, W Don Bowen & Jim I McMillan. 2005. State-dependent male mating tactics in the grey seal: the importance of body size. Behavioral Ecology 16(3): 541-549. [Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Carrie A, Sara J Iverson & W Don Bowen. 2005. Blubber fatty acids of grey seals reveal sex differences in the diet of a size-dimorphic marine carnivore. Canadian J of Zoology, 83: 377-388. [Halichoerus grypus]

Noren, Shawn R, Sara J Iverson & Daryl J Boness. 2005. Development of the blood and muscle oxygen stores in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus): implications for juvenile diving capacity and the necessity of a terrestrial postweaning fast. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78(4): 482-490.

Trzcinski, MK, R Mohn & WD Bowen. 2005. Estimation of grey seal population size and trends at Sable Island. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2005/067. [Halichoerus grypus]

Boness, DJ, W Don Bowen, Birgit M Buhleier & Gregory J Marshall. 2006. Mating tactics and mating system of an aquatic-mating pinniped: the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 119-130.

Bowen, WD & GD Harrison. 2006. Seasonal and interannual variability in grey seal diets on Sable Island, eastern Scotian Shelf. NAMMCO Scientific Publications, 6: 123-134. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, SJ Iverson, JI McMillan & DJ Boness. 2006. Reproductive performance in grey seals: age-related improvement and senescence in a capital breeder. J Animal Ecology, 75(6): 541-549. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, CA Beck, SJ Iverson, D Austin & JI McMillan. 2006. Linking predator foraging behaviour and diet with variability in continental shelf ecosystems: grey seals of eastern Canada, pages 63-81, in Top Predators in Marine Ecosystems, eds. IL Boyd, S Wanless & CJ Camphuysen, Cambridge University Press. [Halichoerus grypus]

Austin, Deborah, W Don Bowen, Jim I McMillan & Sara J Iverson. 2006. Linking movement, diving, and habitat to foraging success in a large marine predator. Ecology, 87(12): 3095-3108. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Austin, Deborah, WD Bowen, JI McMillan & DJ Boness. 2006. Stomach temperature telemetry reveals temporal patterns of foraging success in a free-ranging marine mammal. J Animal Ecology, 75: 408-420. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Daoust, Pierre-Yves, G Mark Fowler & Wayne T Stobo. 2006. Comparison of the healing process in hot and cold brands applied to harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina). Wildlife Research, 33: 361-372.  Abstract

Breed, Greg A, WD Bowen, JI McMillan & ML Leonard. 2006. Sexual segregation of seasonal foraging habitats in a non-migratory marine mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 273: 2319-2326. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Medel, Brian. 2007. Unanimous support for Sable Island seal hunt; commons committee recommends harvest to control population boom. Chronicle-Herald, B1, May 18, 2007. [fishing industry, grey seal harvest, parasites, MP Gerald Keddy]

Bowen, WD, JI McMillan & Wade Blanchard. 2007. Reduced population growth of gray seals at Sable Island: evidence from pup production and age of primiparity. Marine Mammal Science, 23 (1):48-64. [Halichoerus grypus]

Beck, Carrie A, Sara J Iverson, W Don Bowen & Wade Blanchard. 2007. Sex differences in grey seal diet reflect seasonal variation in foraging behaviour and reproductive expenditure: evidence from quantitative fatty acid signature analysis. J Animal Ecology, 76: 490-502. [Halichoerus grypus]

Tucker, Strathan, W Don Bowen & Sara J Iverson. 2007. Dimensions of diet segregation in grey seals Halichoerus grypus revealed through stable isotopes of carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N). Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol 339.

Roberts, Tom. 2008. No seal of approval. Sunday Herald, A12, August 17, 2008. [grey seal cull, Halichoerus grypus, environmental impact]

Lambie, Chris. 2008. Crittercams to track what seals eat. Chronicle Herald, May 21, 2008. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Tucker, Strathan, W Don Bowen & Sara J Iverson. 2008. Convergence of diet estimates derived from fatty acids and stable isotopes within individual grey seals. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol 354, pages 267-276. [Halichoerus grypus]

Noren, Shawn R, Daryl J Boness, Sara J Iverson, Jim McMillan & W Don Bowen. 2008. Body condition at weaning affects the duration of postweaning fast in gray seal pups (Halichoerus grypus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(3): 269-277.

Lidgard, Damian C, Daryl J Boness, W Don Bowen & Jim I McMillan. 2008. The implications of stress on male mating behavior and success in a sexually dimorphic polygynous mammal, the grey seal. Hormones and Behavior, 53: 241-248. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, JI McMillan & D Lidgard. 2008. Continued reduction in population growth rate of grey seals at Sable Island. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2007/087. [Halichoerus grypus]

Thomas, L, MO Hammill & WD Bowen. 2008. Estimated size of the Northwest Atlantic grey seal population 1977-2007. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2007/082. [Halichoerus grypus]

Lang, SLC. SJ Iverson & WD Bowen. 2009. Repeatability in lactation performance and the consequences for maternal reproductive success in gray seals. Ecology, 90(9): 2513-2523. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Breed, Greg A, Ian D Jonsen, Ransom A Myers, W Don Bowen & Marty L Leonard. 2009. Sex-specific, seasonal foraging tactics of adult grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) revealed by state-space analysis. Ecology, 90(11): 3209-3221.

Lucas, Zoe N & Lisa J Natanson. 2010. Two shark species involved in predation on seals at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Vol 45, Part 2: 64-88. [white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus, harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]   Summary

Wark, Bruce. 2010. Seal slaughter on Sable Island? The Coast, February 4, 2010. [fishing industry, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Humane Society International, seal cull, sealing]

Pannozzo, Linda. 2010. How to kill 220,000 seals on Sable Island: the DFO plan. The Coast, May 27, 2010. [seal cull, grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, clubbing, shooting, incinerators, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, fishing industry]

Anon. 2010. Sable Island seal cull would cost $35M: study., May 28, 2010. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, seal cull, feasibility study, rifles, incinerators, dump trucks, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Anon. 2010. Try humane seal control. Chronicle Herald, May 30, 2010. [seal cull, grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, massacre, contraception]

Pannozzo, Linda & Bruce Wark. 2010. Sable Island’s cod killer? The Coast, July 1, 2010. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, CBCL Ltd, seal cull, massive operation, Sara Iverson, Jeff Hutchings, grey seal diet]

Lang, SLC, DJ Boness, WD Bowen & SJ Iverson. 2011. Primiparous females do not exhibit maternal care in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). Marine Mammal Science, 27(3): E153-E164.

CSAS. 2011. Stock assessment of Northwest Atlantic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Science Advisory Report 2010/091.

Bowen, WD, P Carter & M Hammill. 2011. Estimated grey seal diets near Sable Island derived from fecal samples: 1991 to 2010. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2011/024. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, C den Heyer, JI McMillan & MO Hammill. 2011. Pup production at Scotian Shelf grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) colonies in 2010. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2011/066.

Hammill, MO. 2011. Impacts of grey seals on fish populations in eastern Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Science Advisory Report 2010/071. 48 pages. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD. 2011. Historical grey seal abundance and changes in the abundance of grey seal predators in the Northwest Atlantic. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2011/026. [Halichoerus grypus]

Lang, Shelley LC, SJ Iverson & W Don Bowen. 2011. The influence of reproductive experience on milk energy output and lactation performance in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus). PloS ONE 6(5): e19487.

Breed, Greg A, W Don Bowen & Marty L Leonard. 2011. Development of foraging strategies with age in a long-lived marine predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 431: 267-279. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Pannozzo, Linda. 2012. Sealfall, Licence to Cull. The Coast, November 15, 2012. [Fisheries and Oceans Canada, fishing industry]

Lang, Shelley LC, Sara J Iverson & W Don Bowen. 2012. Primiparous and multiparous females differ in mammary gland alveolar development: implications for milk production. J Experimental Biology, 215: 2904-2911. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Lidgard, Damian C, W Don Bowen, Ian D Jonsen & Sara J Iverson. 2012. Animal-borne acoustic transceivers reveal patterns of at-sea associations in an upper-trophic level predator. PLOS one, 7(11). [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Pannozzo, Linda. 2013. Graveyard of the Atlantic. In “The Devil & the Deep Blue Sea”, Chapter 2, pages 16-29. Fernwood Publishing, Halifax & Winnipeg. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, seal cull, fishing industry]

Anon. 2014. Seal eating habits revealed by cameras attached to mammals. CBCNews, April 8, 2014. [harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, National Geographic]

den Heyer, CE, WD Bowen & JI McMillan. 2014. Long-term changes in grey seal vital rates at Sable Island estimated from POPAN mark-resighting analysis of branded seals. DFO Can, Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2013/021. [Halichoerus grypus]

Lidgard, Damian C, WD Bowen, Ian D Jonsen, Bernie J McConnell, Phil Lovell, Dale M Webber, Tim Stone & Sara J Iverson. 2014. Transmitting species-interaction data from animal-borne transceivers through Service Argos using Bluetooth communication. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5: 864-871. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Heaslip, SG, WD Bowen & SJ Iverson. 2014. Testing predictions of optimal diving theory using animal-borne video from harbour seals (Phoca vitulina concolor). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92(4): 309-318.

Hammill, MO, CE den Heyer & WD Bowen. 2014. Grey seal population trends in Canadian waters, 1960-2014. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), Research Document 2014/037. [Halichoerus grypus]

W Donald Bowen, Donald C Gordon, CF Michael Lewis & Michel P Latremouille. 2014. Whale and seal research at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography through five decades, pages 113-122, in “Voyage of Discovery, Fifty Years of Marine Research at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography” ed. David N Nettleship, Donald C Gordon, CF Michael Lewis & Michel P Latremouille. 444 pages. Published by The BIO-Oceans Association, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. [grey seals, Halichoerus grypus, harbour seals, Phoca vitulina]

Bowen, WD, CE den Hyer, JI McMillan, S Lang, DC Lidgard & SJ Iverson. 2016. Long-term measures of reproductive performance reveal marked variation in fitness in grey seals. In Center of Expertise in Marine Mammalogy: Scientific Research Report 2012-2014. [Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, WD, DC Lidgard, I Jonsen & SJ Iverson. 2016. Predator-borne acoustic transceivers and GPS tracking reveal encounters with acoustically tagged free-ranging marine fish. In Center of Expertise in Marine Mammalogy: Scientific Research Report 2012-2014. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus]

Bowen, W Don. 2016. Marine mammals. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 252-269, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, cetaceans, walrus, Odobenus rosmarus]

den Heyer, CE & WD Bowen. 2017. Estimating changes in vital rates of Sable Island grey seals using mark-recapture analysis. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Research Document 2017/054, 27 pages. [Halichoerus grypus]

den Heyer, CE, SLC Lang, WD Bowen & MO Hammill. 2017. Pup production at Scotian Shelf grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) colonies in 2016. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Research Document 2017/056, 34 pages.

Marine Mammals – Walrus

McLeod, Brenna A, Timothy R Frasier & Zoe Lucas. 2014. Assessment of the extirpated Maritimes Walrus using morphological and ancient DNA analysis. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99569. [genetics, Odobenus rosmarus]

 Atmospheric Research, Climate, Weather

 Vowinckel, E & Svenn Orvig. 1977. The energy budget of the Sable Island ocean region. Atmosphere, 15(4): 178-193.

Smith, Stuart D & Robert J Anderson. 1984. Spectra of humidity, temperature, and wind over the sea at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Geophysical Research, 89(C2): 2029-2040. [atmospheric research]

Environment Canada. 1984. Principal Station Data – Sable Island. Published by the Canadian Climate Program, PSD/DSP-92. [weather]

Stewart, RE, RW Shaw & GA Isaac. 1987. Canadian Atlantic Storms program: the meteorological field project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 68(4): 338-345. [weather, climate]

Anon. 1988. Saturday-night showers. Globe & Mail, August 22, 1988. [atmospheric research, aerosols, weather]

Walmsley, John L. 1988. On theoretical wind speed and temperature profiles over the sea with applications to data from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Atmosphere-Ocean, 26(2): 203-233. [atmospheric research]

Chung, YS. 1988 . The variations of atmospheric carbon dioxide at Alert and Sable Island, Canada. Atmospheric Environment, 22(2): 383- 394. [atmospheric research]

Bidleman, TF, WE Cotham, RF Addison & ME Zinck. 1992 . Organic contaminants in the Northwest Atlantic atmosphere at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1988-89. Chemosphere, 24(9): 1389-1412. [atmospheric research]

Parrish, David D, John S Holloway, Michael Trainer, Paul C Murphy, Gerry L Forbes & Fred C Fehsenfeld. 1993. Export of North American ozone pollution to the North Atlantic. OceanScience, 259: 1436-1439. [atmospheric research]

Chin, M, DJ Jacob & J W Munger. 1994. Relationship of ozone and carbon monoxide over North America. J Geophysical Research, 99(D7): 14,565-14,573. [atmospheric research]

Moody, JL, C Davenport, JT Merrill, SJ Oltmans, DD Parrish, JS Holloway, H Levy II, GL Forbes, M Trainer & M Buhr. 1996 . Meteorological mechanisms for transporting O3 over the western North Atlantic Ocean, a case study for August 24-29, 1993. J Geophysical Research, 101(D22): 29,213-29,227. [atmospheric research]

Wang, T, MA Carroll, GM Albercook, KR Owens, KA Duderstadt, AN Markevitch, DD Parrish, JS Holloway, FC Fehsenfeld, G Forbes & J Ogren. 1996. Ground-based measurements of NOx and total reactive oxidized nitrogen (NOy) at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, during the NARE 1993 summer intensive. J Geophysical Research, 101(D22): 28,991-29,004. [atmospheric research]

Roberts, James M, David D Parrish, Richard B Norton, Steven B Bertman, John S Holloway, Michael Trainer, Fredrick C Fehsenfeld, Mary Anne Carroll, George M Albercook, Tao Wang & Gerald Forbes. 1996. Episodic removal of NOy species from the marine boundary layer over the North Atlantic. J Geophysical Research, 101(D22): 28,947-28,960. [atmospheric research]

Fehsenfeld, FC, P Daum, WR Leaitch, M Trainer, DD Parrish & G Hubler. 1996. Transport and processing of O3 and O3 precursors over the North Atlantic: an overview of the 1993 North Atlantic Regional Experiment (NARE) summer intensive. J Geophysical Research, 101(D22): 28,877-28,891. [atmospheric research]

Smirnov, A, NT O’Neill, A Royer, A Tarussov & B McArthur. 1996. Aerosol optical depth over Canada and the link with synoptic air mass types. J Geophysical Research, 101(D14): 19,299-19,318. [atmospheric research]

Amos, Carl L, MZ Li & K-S Choung. 1996. Storm-generated, hummocky stratification on the outer-Scotian Shelf. Geo-Marine Letters, 16: 85-94.

Parrish, DD, M Trainer, JS Holloway, JE Yee, MS Warshawsky & FC Fehsenfeld. 1998. Relationships between ozone and carbon monoxide at surface sites in the North Atlantic region. J Geophysical Research, 103(D11): 13,357-13,376. [atmospheric research]

Duderstadt, KA, MA Carroll, S Sillman, T Wang, GM Albercook, L Feng, DD Parrish, JS Holloway, FC Fehsenfeld, DR Blake, NJ Blake & G Forbes. 1998. Photochemical production and loss rates of ozone at Sable Island, Nova Scotia during the North Atlantic Regional Experiment (NARE) 1993 summer intensive. J Geophysical Research, 103(D11): 13,531-13,555. [atmospheric research]

McInnes, Lynn, Mike Bergin, John Ogren & Stephen Schwartz. 1998. Apportionment of light scattering and hygroscopic growth to aerosol composition. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(4): 513-516. [atmospheric research]  Abstract

Hannah, Charles G, Jennifer A Shaw, John W Loder & Christopher E Naimie. 2001. Seasonal circulation on the Western and Central Scotian Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography 31: 591-615.  Abstract

Delene, David J & John A Ogren. 2002. Variability of aerosol optical properties at four North American surface monitoring site. J Atmospheric Sciences, 59: 1135-1150. [atmospheric research]  Abstract

Hill, Brian T, Alan Ruffman & Ken Drinkwater. 2002. Historical record of the incidence of sea ice on the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ice in the Environment: Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice. Dunedin, New Zealand, 2nd–6th December 2002. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research.

Worthy, Douglas E, Kaz Higuchi & Douglas Chan. 2003. North American influence on atmospheric carbon dioxide data collected at Sable Island, Canada. Atmospheric Research. Tellus, 55B: 105-144.  Abstract

Anon. 2004. Banned chemical travels far. U of T Magazine, Summer 2004. [atmospheric research, alpha-hexachlorocy-clohexane, alpha-HCH]

Shen, Li, Frank Wania, Ying D Lei, Camilla Teixeira, Derek CG Muir & Terry F Bidleman. 2004. Hexochlorocyclohexanes in the North American atmosphere. Environmental Science and Technology. [atmospheric research]

 Cooper, OR et al. 2006. Large upper tropospheric ozone enhancements above midlatitude North America during summer: In situ evidence from the IONS and MOZAIC ozone measurement network. J Geophysical Research, 111(D24S05). [atmospheric research]  Abstract

Thompson, Anne et al. 2007. Intercontinental chemical transport experiment ozonesonde network study (IMOS) 2004: 1. Summertime upper troposphere/lower stratosphere ozone over northeastern North America. J Geophysical Research, 112(D12S12). [atmospheric research]

Thompson, Anne et al. 2007. Intercontinental chemical transport experiment ozonesonde network study (IMOS) 2004: 2. Tropospheric ozone budgets and variability over northeastern North America. J Geophysical Research, 112(D12S13). [atmospheric research]

Tarasick, DW et al. 2007 . Comparison of Canadian air quality forecast models with tropospheric ozone profile measurements above midlatitude North America during the IONS/ICARTT campaign: evidence for stratospheric input. J Geophysical Research, 112(D12S22). [atmospheric research]

Cooper, OR et al. 2007. Evidence for a recurring eastern North American upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer. J Geophysical Research, 112(D2334). [atmospheric research]  Abstract

Shoeib, Mahiba, Penny Vlahos, Tom Harner, Andrew Peters, Margaret Graustein & Julie Narayan. 2010. Survey of polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in the atmosphere over the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Environment, 44: 2887-2893. [atmospheric research]

Waugh, David, T Inkpen, M Hingston, S Keast, J McPherson, D Worthy & G Forbes. 2010. Sable Island Air Monitoring Program Report: 2003-2006. Environmental Studies Research Funds Report No. 181. [atmospheric research]

Stamper, Hilary. 2012. Unlocking Sable Island’s scientific secrets. Dal News, Dalhousie University, Halifax, October 19, 2012. [atmospheric research]

Freedman, Bill, Thomas Duck, Bridget Thomas & Doug Worthy. 2016. Climate of Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 34-55, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [weather]

Gibson, Mark D. 2016. Monitoring and assessment of air pollutants on Sable Island. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 56-67, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. [atmospheric research]

Pollution & Conservation

Saunders, WE. 1903. Experiments in tree planting on Sable Island. Experimental Farms Reports, Sessional Paper No. 16, A, pages 55-58.

Brown, RGB, DI Gillespie, AR Lock, PA Pearce & GH Watson. 1973. Bird mortality from oil slicks off Eastern Canada, February – April 1970. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 87: 225-234. [marine pollution, oil]

Addison, RF & PF Brodie . 1977. Organochlorine residues in maternal blubber, milk, and pup blubber from grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. J Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 43(7): 937-941. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Addison, RF & PF Brodie. 1984. Characterization of ethoxyresorufin O-de-ethylase in grey seal Halichoerus grypus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 79C(2): 261-263. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Le Pierrès, Laurent. 1987. Floating junk random killer. Chronicle Herald, Halifax NS, February 16, 1987. [marine pollution, plastic litter, plastic ingestion by seabirds]

Ware, Beverley. 1987. Sable Island trash watcher blames fishermen. Daily News, Halifax NS, October 1, 1987. [marine pollution, plastic litter]

Addison, RF & PF Brodie . 1987. Transfer of organochlorine residues from blubber through the circulatory system to milk in the lactating grey seal Halichoerus grypus. Canadian J of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 44(4): 782-786. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Nelson, Carl. 1988. Garbage drifts on to Canada’s coastline, plastic containers are killing marine life. Daily Mercury, Guelph, ON, November 22, 1988. [marine pollution, plastic litter]

Evans, Maureen T. 1988. Plastic pollution threatens marine life. The Ontarion, November 29, 1988. [marine pollution, plastic litter]

Lucas, Zoe. 1988. Vegetation and terrain management on Sable Island. NS Conservation 12(2): 9-11.  Note

Lucas, Z & B Freedman.  1989. The effects of experimental spills of natural gas condensate on three plant communities on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Oil & Chemical Pollution, 5(4): 263-272. [offshore energy industry, botany, plant communities]

Taylor, RB & D Frobel. 1990. Approaches and results of a coastal dune restoration program on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, September 1990, pages 405-431.  Note

Thomas, Debbie. 1991. Garbage clean-up on Sable. Mobilize, 3(3), August 1981. [offshore energy industry, Mobil Oil Canada, terrain restoration]

Lock, AR. 1992. Sable Island: an offshore site for sampling marine bird mortality in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In Managing the Environmental Impact of Offshore Oil Production (Ryan, P. ed), pages 35-49. [oil pollution, seabirds, beached bird survey]

Lucas, Zoe. 1992. Monitoring persistent litter in the marine environment on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24(4): 192-199. [plastic litter, pollution, entanglement, seals] Summary

Addison, RF & WT Stobo. 1993. Organochlorine residue concentrations and burdens in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) blubber during the first year of life. J Zoology London, 230: 443-450. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Beson, Kevin. 1998. A Conservation Strategy for Sable Island. Prepared for Environment Canada, 50 pages. [station, human presence, tourism, recommendations]

Addison, RF, MG Ikonomou & WT Stobo. 1999. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans and non-ortho- and mono-ortho-chlorine substituted polychlorinated biphenyls in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia, in 1995. Marine Environmental Research, 47: 225-240. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Addison, RF & WT Stobo. 2001. Trends in organochlorine residue concentrations and burdens in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from Sable Is., NS, Canada, between 1974 and 1994. Environmental Pollution, 112: 505-513. [marine pollution, contaminants]

Cox, Kevin. 2003. The terns’ turn means windmills won’t be turning. Globe and Mail, November 20, 2003. [Meteorological Service of Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, pilot project, wind turbines, climate change]

Lucas, Zoe & Clive MacGregor. 2006. Characterization and source of oil contamination on the beaches and seabird corpses, Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1996-2005. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52: 778-789. [marine pollution, beached bird survey]  Summary

Freedman, Bill, Paul M Catling & Zoe Lucas. 2011. Effects of feral horses on vegetation of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 125(3), pages 200-212. [horse exclosures, plant communities]

Lucas, Zoe, Andrew Horn & Bill Freedman. 2012. Beached bird surveys on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1993 to 2009, show a decline in the incidence of oiling. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 47(1): 91-129. [marine pollution, seabirds]

Burgess, NM, AL Bond, CE Hebert, E Neugebauer & L Champoux. 2013. Mercury trends in herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs from Atlantic Canada, 1972-2008: Temporal change or dietary shift? Environmental Pollution, 172: 216-222. [environmental contaminants]

Bond, Alexander L, Jennifer F Provencher, Pierre-Yves Daoust & Zoe N Lucas. 2014. Plastic ingestion by fulmars and shearwaters at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87: 68-75. [marine pollution, seabirds, beached bird survey]

Freedman, Bill, Zoe Lucas & Neil Burgess. 2016. Recent anthropogenic stressors. In “The Ecology and Biodiversity of Sable Island”, pages 300-317, ed. Bill Freedman, Fitzhenry & Whiteside.


Arts & Culture

Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. 1853. The Sable Island Ghost, in “The Sam Slick Anthology”, pages 209-220. Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, Toronto, Vancouver, 1969. [Captain Torrens, Mrs. Copeland, bloody finger]   Note

Howe, Joseph. 1858. A Poem on the Same Subject. Delivered before the Athenaeum Society, February 1858, pages 31-84. [arts & culture, poetry]

Anon. 1900. Legend of Sable Island. Clifton Springs Press, NY, February 15, 1900. [ghost story, Captain Torrens, Mrs. Copeland, bloody finger]

Gilligan, Edmund. 1948. Storm at Sable Island. Little, Brown and Company, Boston. [fiction, fishery, Gloucester fishing schooners, shipwreck]

Raddall, Thomas H. 1950. The Nymph and the Lamp. McClelland and Stewart Limited, Toronto ON. [historical fiction, wireless, station operations, romance]   Note

MacDonald, Ian. 1956. Strange Sable Island ghost story still told. Halifax Chronicle-Herald, June 13, 1956. [Mrs. Copeland, bloody finger, Captain Torrens]

Bantey, Bill. 1962. Paintings perpetuate visit to fabled island. Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, April 3, 1962. [arts & culture, artist Douglas Lawley]

Creighton, Helen. 1966. Sable Island Songs No.142 & No.143. In “Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia”, pages 310-313. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. [arts & culture, music]

Mugan, Monica. 1971. The Sea and the Gallows. Robert Hale & Company, London, 286 pages. [fiction, adventure]

Sherwood, RH. 1972. Ghost of Sable Island. pages 66-69, in “Atlantic Harbours”, Lancelot Press, Windsor, NS. [Mrs. Copeland]

Mosher, Edith. 1982. The Sea Ghost of Sable Island. In “Haunted, Tales of the Unexplained”, pages 13-14. Lancelot Press, Hantsport NS. [brigantine Alma, schooner Eliza Ross, drowned oarsman]

Cousineau, Penny & Thaddeus Holownia. 1995. An elemental landscape: Sable Island. Owens Art Gallery, Mount Allison University, Sackville NB. [arts & culture, photography]   Note

Anon. 1998. TV series launches sound stage. Nova Scotia Quarterly. [arts & culture, Pit Pony, Joyce Barkhouse]

Jessome, Bill. 1999. The Sea Ghost of Sable Island; and Mrs. Copeland’s Ghost, pages 28-29, 62-63, in “Maritime Mysteries”. Nimbus Publishing. [brigantine Alma, schooner Eliza Ross, drowned oarsman, Edith Mosher]  Summary

Hall, Trish. 1999. Habitats/545 West 34th Street; from here to infinity, for $10,000 a month. New York Times, February 14, 1999. [photography, wild horses, Roberto Dutesco]

MacLean, Jill. 2003. Sable Island, page 82, in “The Brevity of Red”. Signature Editions, Winnipeg, MB. [arts & culture, poetry]

Tetreault, Bette. 2004. To be there or not to be there – that is the question? Atlantic Books Today, No 46, Winter 2004. [book review, A Dune Adrift, Marq de Villiers, Sheila Hirtle]

Legge, Lois. 2004. Sable Island’s origins. Chronicle Herald, August 29, 2004, pp 11-12. [book review, A Dune Adrift, Sheila Hirtle, Marq de Villiers]

DeLong, Jodi. 2005. ‘A Dune Adrift’ takes you to Sable Island. Northern Sky News, January 2005. [book review, A Dune Adrift, Marq de Villiers, Sheila Hirtle]

Stevenson, Michelle. 2005. $2 high value definitives – Sable Island horse and peregrine falcon. Details Magazine, Oct-Dec 2005, pages 20-21. [postage stamp]  Note

James, Henry. 2006. Weighing in… a review of three books about Sable Island. Northumberland Tide, Tatamagouche, NS, March 2006. [Lyall Campbell, Marq de Villiers, Bruce Armstrong]  Review

Bertin, Johanna. 2006. The Kissing Bough. pages 28-56, in “Holiday Misadventures – Tragedy, Murder, and Mystery”. Altitude Publishing Canada Ltd, Canmore, Alberta. [ghost, Mrs. Copeland, Captain Torrens, ship Frances]

Delong, Leanne. 2007. Former teacher places second in novel contest., September 12, 2007. [Marcia Harding]

Anon. 2007. A unique Sable Island evening., October 14, 2007. [arts & culture, Astor Theatre, Liverpool, fundraiser]

Anon. 2007. Star-studded line-up for Astor fundraiser. The Advance, 128(37) (Liverpool, NS), October 16, 2007. [arts & culture, Astor Theatre]

Mulhallen, Karen. 2007. Sea Horses. Black Moss Press, Windsor, Ontario. [arts & culture, poetry]  Review

Flinn, Sean. 2008. Arcadia’s Chasing Wild Horses. The Coast, April 3, 2008. [Roberto Dutesco, film, photography]

Friswell, Richard. 2008. Wild thing, Roberto Dutesco’s irresistible photographs of the horses of Sable Island. Modern Estate, Winter issue 2008, pages 74-87.  Note

Pedersen, Stephen. 2008. Rosy, resonant glories. Chronicle-Herald, Arts & Life, July 6, 2008. [arts & culture, music, Scott Macmillan, Currents of Sable, Jill MacLean]

King, Barbara. 2009. Naval Centennial artist’s Sable Island adventure. Trident, 34(22): 20-21 [tourism, Susan Tooke, Richard Rudnicki]

Jacobs, Adam. 2010. Mahone Bay author releases first book. South Shore Now, April 13, 2010. [interview, Sable Island Imagine, children’s literature]

Amos, Robert. 2010. Art on the hoof gallops across island. Victoria Times Colonist, October 23, 2010. [review, photography, horses, Debra Garside]

Lidgard, Damian. 2011. Where the land meets the sea. Dal News, Dalhousie University, Halifax, June 7, 2011.

Lidgard, Damian. 2011. Sable Island. Nimbus Publishing Limited, Halifax. [photography]

Barnard, Elissa. 2011. Sable Island shifts artist’s style; hot colour, abstraction inform Tooke’s work. Chronicle Herald, E4, August 19, 2011. [painting, Susan Tooke]

Dutesco, Roberto. 2012. The Wild Horses of Sable Island. Dutesco Art Publishing, Division of Roberto Dutesco Inc., 220 Pine Avenue West, Suite 210, Montreal, QC H2W 1R9. [arts & culture, photography]

Williams, Diane. 2013. Journey, a journey to Sable Island with artist and photographer Diane Williams. Diane Williams Art, 85 pages. [photography]

Barnard, Elissa. 2014. Sable horses: ‘what the wild is’. Chronicle Herald, Arts & Life, D1-D2, June 7, 2014. [photography, Roberto Dutesco]

Skelton, Jessica. 2015. Sable Island horses subject of artist’s talk. The Parksville Qualicum Beach News, January 6, 2015. [painting, Joan Larson]

Kenins, Laura. 2015. Mocean Dance’s survival in a wild land. The Coast, April 23, 2015. [horses]

Barnard, Elissa. 2015. Tribute to Sable Island ponies soars. Halifax Herald, Arts & Life, May 1, 2015. [dance, Mocean, horses]  Note

Martin Bouteillier, Jill. 2015. Return to Sable Island. AuthorHouse, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403, 459 pages.

Barkhouse, Janet. 2017. Sable Island Fieldnotes. Photographs Zoe Lucas. Friends of the Green Horse Society, 35 pages. [poetry, photography]  Note

Foley, Tim. 2018. Some Pages from the Journal of James Morris, Founder, Sable Island Humane Establishment, 1802. Pages 278-286, in A Book of the Sea, edited by Mark Beech, Egaeus Press MMXVIII, 320 pages. [historical fiction, shipwreck]   Note


Arts & Culture – Children’s Literature

Ashley, B Freeman. 1895. Dick and Jack’s Adventures on Sable Island. Laird & Lee, Publishers, Chicago, 312 pages. [fiction, adventure, treasure, shipwreck, children’s literature]

Oxley, J MacDonald. 1895. Birds and beasts on Sable Island, pages 321-328, in “My Strange Rescue and Other Stories of Sport and Adventure in Canada”, T Nelson & Sons. [children’s literature]

Oxley, J MacDonald. 1897. The Wreckers of Sable Island. T Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 121 pages. [fiction, adventure, treasure, shipwreck, children’s literature]

Otis, James. 1907. Sable Island, pages 249-271, in “Aboard the Hylow”, E.P. Dutton and Company, New York. [fiction, children’s literature, fishing schooners]

England, George Allan. 1926. Adventure Isle. The Century Co., New York & London, 269 pages. [fiction, children’s literature]

Johnson, Margaret S & Helen Lossing Johnson. 1945. Dixie Dobie, A Sable Island Pony. Illustrations Richard Bennett. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 90 pages. [fiction, children’s literature, horses]

Raddall, Thomas H. 1948. Christmas at Sable Island. In “All Sails Set”, pages 375-385. Canadian Reading Development Series, The Copp Clark Publishing Co. Limited, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal. [children’s literature]

Gilligan, Edmund. 1954. Sea Dog. Alfred A. Knopf, 177 pages. [fiction, adventure, children’s literature, Gloucester fishing schooners]

Lucas, Zoe. 1981. Wild Horses of Sable Island. Greey de Pencier Books, Toronto (An OWL Book), 34 pages. [children’s literature, Seafire]  Note

National Geographic World. 1985. Wild Horses of Sable Island. National Geographic World, No 121: 28-31. [children’s magazine]

Barkhouse, Joyce. 1990. Pit Pony. Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax (2010 edition), 136 pages. [fiction, children’s literature, horses]

Troughton, Ruth. 1997. Sable Island Adventure. Lancelot Press Limited, PO Box 425, Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0, 43 pages. [fiction, children’s literature, adventure, shipwreck]   Excerpt

Bastedo, Jamie & Susan Tooke. 2007. Free as the Wind. Red Deer Press, 32 pages. [horses, save-the-ponies, children’s literature]  Review

Anon. 2007. Picture books draw children into history. StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, September 15, 2007. [book review, children’s literature, Free as the Wind, artist Susan Tooke, save-the-ponies, horses]

Romanek, Trudee & Kendyl Lauzon (illustrator). 2010. Trouble on Sable Island. Kayak, Canada’s History for Kids, # 32, Vol 2, pages 17-21. [children’s literature, history, horses]

Barkhouse, Janet. 2010. Sable Island—Imagine! Illustrated by Sally Bratt. Porcupine Chapter Book Series, Curriculum Plus Publishing Company, Toronto, Ontario. 47 pages.  Review

Markle, Sandra. 2011. Race the Wild Wind – A Story of the Sable Island Horses. Illustrations Layne Johnson. Walker & Company, New York, 32 pages. [fiction, children’s literature]  Review

Kitts, Wendy. 2011. Sable Island, The Wandering Sandbar. Nimbus Publishing Limited, Halifax. [non-fiction, children’s literature]  Review

Hughes, Susan. 2012. The Island Horse. Illustrations Alicia Quist. Kids Can Press Ltd., 25 Dockside Drive, Toronto ON M5A 0B5, 160 pages. [fiction, children’s literature]

Barkhouse, Joyce & Janet Barkhouse. 2012. Pit Pony, the Picture Book. Illustrations Sydney Smith. Formac Publishing Company Limited Halifax. [fiction, children’s literature, coal mining]   Review

Harding, Marcia Pierce. 2018. Secrets of Sable Island. Nimbus Publishing Limited, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 206 pages. [fiction, children’s literature]   Review

Scott, Briana Corr. 2019. She Dreams of Sable Island, a Paper Doll Book. Nimbus Publishing Limited, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Management – Sable Island Station & Human Presence

Anon. 1978. Claim laid to Sable by county. Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, January 12, 1978. [jurisdiction, Guysborough County]

Anon. 1997. Don’t bury research in the Atlantic’s graveyard. Mail Star, January 2, 1997. [station closure, atmospheric research, weather station, human presence, Environment Canada]

Beriault, Robert. 1997. Key research station in greenhouse gas study to close. Ottawa Citizen, Letters, April 18, 1997. [station closure, atmospheric research, weather station, human presence, Environment Canada, Sergio Marchi]  Letter

Smith, Amy. 1997. Sable ownership settled 15 years ago: Buchanan. Halifax Chronicle Herald, November 11, 1997. [jurisdiction, John Buchanan]

Thorne, Stephen. 1997. Sable science shored up – deal maintains human presence on island. Daily News, April 19, 1997. [station closure, atmospheric research, weather station, Environment Canada]

Yarr, Kevin. 1998. Salvaging Sable. Canadian Geographic, March/April ’98, page 21. [Atmospheric Environment Service, Sable Offshore Energy Project, station closure, human presence]

Gillis, John. 2004. Sable Island gridlock. Chronicle-Herald, May 14, 2004. [Alex McDonough, Peter Stoffer, Geoff Regan, human presence, station closure]

Abley, Mark. 2004. Sable’s sands of time running out. Globe and Mail, September 4, 2004. [book review, A Dune Adrift, Sheila Hirtle, Marq de Villiers, station closure, human presence]

Toughill, Kelly. 2004. Trusts in trouble. Chronicle Herald, September 12, 2004. [Sable Island Preservation Trust, Friends of Sable Island Society]

Kimber, Stephen. 2004. An island’s ever-shifting fate. Canadian Geographic, Sept/Oct 2004. [book review, A Dune Adrift, Sheila Hirtle, Marq de Villiers]

Cox, Kevin. 2004. So, who will save Sable Island? Globe and Mail, October 4, 2004. [station closure, human presence, Geoff Regan, Fisheries and Oceans]

Anon. 2004. Pony up for Sable Island. Halifax Chronicle Herald, October 31, 2004. [station closure, human presence, Paul Martin, core funding]

Meikle, Larry. 2004. Station closure unacceptable. Toronto Star (letter to editor), November 16, 2004. [station closure, human presence, Sable Island Preservation Trust, Paul Martin]

Anon. 2004. Scientists lobby to keep Sable station open. Halifax Herald, November 22, 2004. [station closure, human presence, stewardship, Stephane Dion, Geoff Regan, core funding]

DeLong, Jodi. 2005. Canada may cut funding for Sable Island station. Northern Sky News, January 2005. [station closure, human presence, Green Horse Society, Geoff Regan]

Anon. 2005. Safe haven for Sable Island. Canadian Wildlife, 11(1): 1, May 2005. [Environment Canada, horses, Sable Island Regulations, Canada Shipping Act]

Musselman, Robin. 2005. Sable Island: working towards a secure future. Between the Issues, Ecology Action Centre, 23(4), Fall/Winter 2005. [human presence, Green Horse Society, Sable Island Stakeholder Advisory Committee]

Bornais, Stephen. 2006. Feds find funds to keep science on Sable Island. Daily News, Halifax NS, February 17, 2006. [human presence, National Wildlife Area, Ecology Action Centre]

DeLong, Jodi. 2006. A fresh look at a symbol of the Atlantic. NovaScotian, October 1, 2006. [Johanna Bertin, Sable Island, tales of tragedy and survival from the Graveyard of the Atlantic]

Musselman, Robin. 2006. A Nova Scotian coastal gem: Sable Island. Between the Issues, Ecology Action Centre, 24(2), Summer 2006. [human presence, station, core-funding, atmospheric research, environmental monitoring]

Government of Canada. 2007. Sable Island Regulations. Canada Shipping Act, 2001; Sable Island Regulations (C.R.C., c.1465), 2 pages, July 1, 2007.

Smith, Amy. 2008. Protecting an island treasure. Chronicle Herald, June 7, 2008. [weather station, National Wildlife Area, Environment Minister John Baird, Ecology Action Centre]

Moore, Oliver. 2008. The ups and dunes of preserving Sable Island. Globe and Mail, June 9, 2008. [weather station, conservation, National Wildlife Area, Environment Minister John Baird]


Management – Access, Tourism & National Park

Steve Thorne. 1981. Visitors deeply touched by magic of Sable Island. Mail-Star, Mayflower – Leisure-Entertainment Weekly, Halifax NS, September 18, 1981. [tourism, meteorological station]

Barton, William. 1988. Enchanted visits Sable Island – Bill Barton and crew meet no humans, only horses. Cruising Club News, February 1988. [tourism, sailing]

Carr, Michael. 1997. Offshore to Sable Island. Blue Water Sailing, March 1997. [tourism, sailing]

Launt, Patricia. 2006. A rare chance to visit Sable – online auction gives bidders chance to wind trip to remote island. Metro, Halifax NS, February 9, 2006. [tourism, fundraiser, United Way, ExxonMobil Canada]

 Anon. 2007. Magical Sable Island auction on eBay starts tonight. Canada Newswire, June 25, 2007. [tourism, charity fundraiser, United Way, ExxonMobil Canada]

Anon. 2007. Richard Adams is off to Sable Island. Canada Newswire, July 6, 2007. [tourism, charity fundraiser, United Way, ExxonMobil Canada]

Cameron, Silver Donald. 2007. Horses and sand gods. Halifax Herald, The NovaScotian, First Word, Sunday, Aug 12, 2007, page 2. [tourism, sailing]

Bullerwell, Randy. 2009. Sable Island – A Dream Come True. Eastern Gazette – Stellar Advertising, page 19, September 2009. [tourism, photography]

King, Barbara. 2009. Naval Centennial artist’s Sable Island adventure. Trident, 34(22): 20-21 [tourism, Susan Tooke, Richard Rudnicki]

Miller, Chris. 2010. CPAWS welcomes stronger protection for Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, January 25, 2010. [national park, press release]

Nature Canada. 2010. Groups applaud Ottawa’s plans to protect island, but caution against public access. Nature Canada, January 26, 2010. [Parks Canada, national park, bird habitat, species at risk, press release]

Anon. 2010. Mr. Prentice ponies up for Sable Island. Chronicle Herald, Halifax NS, January 27, 2010. [Environment Minister Jim Prentice, national park, national wildlife area, stewardship, Trojan Horse]

Moore, Oliver. 2010. Wild horses couldn’t keep them away. Globe and Mail, Toronto ON, March 8, 2010. [Ecology Action Centre, Canada National Parks Act, Canada Wildlife Act, concerns, increased tourism]

Preyra, Leonard. 2010. Protecting Sable Island. Southender Magazine, April 2010. [MOU, memorandum of understanding, Canada National Parks Act, Canada Wildlife Act]

Miller, Chris. 2010. Sable Island, Our next national park. WildEast, the Newsletter of CPAWS Nova Scotia, Issue 15, Spring 2010, pages 4-7. [Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, concerns, recommendations]

Legge, Lois. 2010. Groups encourage protection of Sable Island. Chronicle Herald, May 15, 2010.

Agrell, Siri. 2010. A new life for the ‘Graveyard of the Atlantic’. Globe and Mail, May 18, 2010.

Wark, Bruce. Environmentalists welcome Sable announcement. The Coast, May 18, 2010. [Ecology Action Centre, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society]

Maher, Stephen. 2010. Graveyard of the Atlantic is our newest national park. Chronicle Herald, May 19, 2010.

Kitts, Wendy. 2010. Canada’s newest national park, Where the wild things are: Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Globe and Mail, May 21, 2010. [tourism]

O’Kelly-Lynch, Ruth. 2010. Spirit of Bermuda visits isolated Sable Island off Nova Scotia. Royal Gazette, August 20, 2010. [tourism]

Parks Canada. 2010. What we heard, a summary of public input. Sable Island National Park Proposal Project Office, Parks Canada Historic Properties, 1869 Upper Water Street, Halifax NS B3J 1S9, December 2010.

McConvey, Joel. 2012. A Park Apart. Walrus, May 2012: 38-46. [Parks Canada, tourism]

Morris, Steve. 2012. A visit to Sable Island. Bluenose Focus, Newsletter of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia: 26-31. [sailing]

Burden, George & Dale Dunlop. 2012. Sable Island: far off the beaten path. Medical Post, September 4, 2012.

McLeod, Paul. 2013. Sable Island changes unlikely. Chronicle Herald, May 2, 2013.

Delaney, Gordon. 2013. Mississauga firm plans to offer tours to Sable Island. Herald News, June 16, 2013. [Adventure Canada, expedition vessel]

O’Hara, Kathleen. 2013. Elizabeth May stands against oil exploration on Sable Island National Park Reserve. Green Party of Canada, June 18, 2013. [offshore energy industry]

McLeod, Paul. 2013. Sable Island becomes national park. Herald News, June 19, 2013.

Lagae, Amy. 2013. The Horses of Sable Island. Muses & Visionaries Magazine, July 29, 2013. [photography, tourism]

Anon. 2013. Once-forbidden Sable Island opens for luxury cruise. CBC News, August 13, 2013. [Adventure Canada, expedition vessel]

Cooke, Adam. 2013. Kayakers complete trek to Sable Island. Reporter, Vol 36, No 35 (Port Hawkesbury, NS), August 28, 2013. [Jan-Sebastian LaPierre, Graham Carter, fundraiser, Brigadoon Village]

Moritz, Dani. 2013. Through the camera lens. Sidelines, October 2013, pages 78-81. [horses, photography, Debra Garside]

Muise, Chris. 2013. Six days on Sable Island. Community Herald (Halifax), W14, November 27, 2013. [tourism]

Bernstein, Adrienne. 2013. Sable Island gains park status this week. The Halifax Commoner, November 27, 2013. [Parks Canada, Bill S-15, Julie Tompa, Richard Rudnicki]

Miller, Chris. 2014. Sable Island National Park Reserve. WildEast, Newsletter of CPAWS Nova Scotia, Issue 21.

Lean, Joshua Rapp. 2014. Sable Island: it’s for the birds. Canadian Geographic, CG Compass Blog, February 27, 2014. [tourism]

Anon. 2014. Sable Island opens to public but getting there not easy. CBC News, May 23, 2014. [tourism, Parks Canada]

Schneider, Wendy. 2014. The Horses of Sable Island. Hamilton Jewish News, December 2014. [tourism]

Bush, Catherine. 2015. Finally! An easier way to reach Sable Island. The Globe & Mail, April 10, 2015. [tourism, Adventure Canada, expedition vessel, Parks Canada]

Staples, Mona. 2015. Sable Island: a Dream Come True. Ottawa Life Magazine, June 10, 2015. [tourism, Adventure Canada, expedition vessel]

Nutter, Brenda J. 2015. Adrift, Walking Sable Island. Self-published, 72 pages. [tourism, Adventure Canada, Parks Canada]

Hudson, Shaney. 2015. Once-in-a-lifetime ocean journeys to push you out of your comfort zone. Daily Telegraph, September 4, 2015. [tourism, Adventure Canada, expedition vessel]

Anon. 2016. Wild horses, seals of Sable Island now on Google Street View. Chronicle-Herald, July 14, 2016. [tourism, Parks Canada]

Kroll, Barb & Ron. 2016. Sable Island. CSA News, Spring, Issue 98: 16-21. [tourism]

Arsenault, Tim. 2017. The Wild Canadian Year documents nature’s drama on Sable Island. The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, September 22, 2017. [tourism, CBC, wildlife, Parks Canada]


Offshore Energy Industry

Meek, Jim. 1993. Lobster sandwich boys meet Graveyard of the Atlantic. Chronicle-Herald, October 8, 1993. [offshore energy industry]

Davis, Donna. 1995. “Cautious optimism” characterizes Sable Island natural gas study. Ocean Resources, July-August, Offshore NFLD ’95. [offshore energy industry, Mobil Oil Canada]

Elliott, Brendan. 1999. Ecologists oppose Sable idea. Daily News, May 28, 1999. [offshore energy industry, seismic survey, Sable Offshore Energy Project, Ecology Action Centre]

Ebner, David. 2007. Sable output rejuvenates offshore Nova Scotia. Globe and Mail, Toronto ON, July 10, 2007. [offshore energy industry, ExxonMobil Canada, North Triumph, Deep Panuke, compression facilities]

Myrden, Judy. 2008. ExxonMobil to drill new well off Sable Island. Chronicle-Herald, October 10, 2008. [Sable Offshore Energy project, gas production, Alma field]

Myrden, Judy. 2010. ExxonMobil plans seismic testing. Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS, February 16, 2010. [offshore energy industry, eastern Sable Island Bank, seabed survey]

Myrden, Judy. 2010. Future of Sable gas dims. Chronicle Herald, July 9, 2010. [offshore energy industry, ExxonMobil Canada, declining production]

McLeod, Paul. 2013. Legislation would let ExxonMobil drill under Sable. Chronicle Herald, April 25, 2013. [offshore energy industry, Parks Canada]

People – Profiles & Memoirs

Appleton, Thomas E. 1968. Dorothea Dix. In Usque ad Mare, A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services. Ottawa: Department of Transport, 318 pages. [humane establishment, life-saving]

Farquhar, James A. 1980. Our family on Sable Island, pages 1-45, in “Farquhar’s Luck”. Petheric Press Limited, Halifax, NS, 45 pages. [Captain James Farquhar]

Grant, Dorothy. 1982. Sable’s unsung heroine. Halifax Chronicle-Herald, July 14. [history, Dorothea Dix, humane establishment, life-saving]

Downton, John. 1983. Mobil’s Cal Ross, Stemming spills at sea. Dimensions, Mobil Canada, 5(3): 10-11. [offshore energy industry]

Gowen, Jim. 1985. Career milestone: Veteran pilot completes his 1,000th trip to Sable Island. Mail Star, Halifax NS, April 17, 1985. [Bob Laidler]

Barkhouse, Joyce. 1990. Sable Island. In “A Name for Himself”, pages 36-42. Natural Heritage/Natural History Inc., Toronto ON. [Thomas H Raddall, The Nymph and the Lamp, children’s literature]

MacDonald, Andrea. 1996. Home on Sable Island – Zoe Lucas lives where the horses run wild. Daily News, Sunday Life, September 29, 1996. [plastic litter, latex balloons, atmospheric research, meteorological station]

Martin, Robert. 1998. Seal of approval – Sara Iverson has won a prestigious grant for a study on seals… Daily News, March 23, 1998. [Dalhousie University, DalTech, Stacie Fellowship, fatty acids, seal blubber, station closure, human presence]

Toughill, Kelly. 1999. Splendid solitude – Zoe Lucas lives alone on Sable Island in a cabin with only a radio and a tape deck. She may be the happiest person alive. Toronto Star, Body & Soul, January 24, 1999.

Vaux, Katie. 2002. The Spirit of the Grass. Island Journal, Annual Publication of the Island Institute, 9: 12-17,55.  Note

McNeil, Greg. 2008. Sable Island native returns home. Cape Breton Post, October 30, 2008. [Gus Walsh]

Wilson, Rita. 2010. The Spirit of Sable Island. Saltscapes, January-February 2010, pages 34-39.

O’Hara, Sharon & Mary O’Hara. 2014. Our Sable Island Home. Pottersfield Press, Lawrencetown Beach, NS., 174 pages. [memoir]

Prepared by Zoe Lucas
Sable Island Institute, 2019