Friswell, R. 2008. Wild Things, Roberto Dutesco’s irresistible photographs of the horses of Sable Island. The Modern Estate, New York/Connecticut Edition, Winter 2008, 74-87.

Note (ZL): This magazine, first published in October 2006, is a “regional shelter magazine with a unique point of view: the unfiltered perspective of professionals in the luxury-home field”. Most of the contributors are architects, construction project managers, and landscape and interior designers, and “on everything from architectural style to green technology to heating systems to landscape architecture to interior design, The Modern Estate sets out to provide what other magazines lack: specific information by writers who have the expertise to offer the magazine’s readers trustworthy guidance”. Friswell’s 14-page article is illustrated with Roberto Dutesco’s black-&-white photos of Sable Island horses in their habitat. It also includes some interior shots of a stunningly elegant New York apartment decorated with Roberto’s Sable photoworks, including one installation—a close-up of two horses facing the photographer, one horse nibbling the other’s cheek—that’s roughly four metres across. Regarding the Dutesco Gallery, the author writes “Some gallery visitors are moved to tears when they stand in front of Dutesco’s photographs. Perhaps the beauty of form and composition accounts for this response—or maybe it’s the eye-to-eye contact with these powerful and vulnerable animals”.