Gina Little, a technologist with the Meteorological Service of Canada, joined MSC’s Sable Island team in 2007 and worked in the aerology program until summer 2019. She spent six months (two three-month tours) annually on Sable, and willingly took on extended tours as needed. Between shifts, Gina walked and took photos, recording seasonal changes and the comings and goings of wildlife, with a remarkable eye for the island’s details, patterns, and scenes, many of which are fleeting. In spring 2017 (when this website was developed), Gina began contributing her photos for the series of photoblogs presented here. This summer, after 75 years of service on Sable Island, MSC’s aerology program ended. See also Gina’s profile.

Gina’s Sable Island Photoblog, October 2016 – January 2017
Gina Little, who began working on Sable in 2007, had been taking photos of the island long before her first Sable Photoblog was posted on the Institute’s website. Here are some of those earlier images.

Gina’s Sable Island Photoblog, July 2019
Images of Sable Island’s landscape features, flora and fauna large and small, beachcast curiosities, and weather, collected as encountered and presented in chronological order, some with notes.

Gina’s Sable Island Photoblog, April – June 2019
Scenes and close-ups collected during three months on the island working with MSC—weather, landscape, and wildlife; snow, sunsets, and fog; beached bones and patterns in sand.

Gina’s Sable Island PhotoBlog, October 2018 – January 2019
During her autumn to mid-winter walks, Gina collected photos of weather, water and landforms, with a unique perspective that found interest and delight in what might be overlooked by a less observant eye.

Gina’s Sable Island PhotoBlog, April – June 2018
A collection of photos taken over a three-month period—fresh grass and pea, spring flowers, foals and pups, seals crowding the beach, horses, birds, peculiar things washed ashore, and ever-shifting sand.

Gina’s Sable Island PhotoBlog, October 2017 – January 2018
Gina joined MSC’s Sable Island team in 2007. Between shifts, Gina walks and takes photos, recording seasonal changes, the comings and goings of wildlife, and beachcast oddities, large and small, and tiny.

Gina’s Sable Island PhotoBlog, April-July 2017
Gina Little, a technologist with the Meteorological Service of Canada, spends six months annually on Sable. Her photos record some of the island’s details, patterns, and scenes, many of which are fleeting.