The Sable Island Institute, a registered not-for-profit with charitable status, is a multidisciplinary organization that conducts and supports Sable Island programs ranging from biodiversity surveys to public outreach initiatives. The Sable Island Institute (SII) expands on the role of the Friends of the Green Horse Society (FGHS), and will continue the Society’s key projects and events. The FGHS enthusiastically supports the Sable Island Institute, and the two organizations are presently collaborating on several projects. The Sable Island Institute is registered under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c.23, and is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. The Sable Island Institute is presently located in the Gatekeeper’s Lodge in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sable Island Institute Contributors
A growing list of individuals are contributing their energy and talents to the Sable Island Institute. Gina Little is sharing her photos, Marielle Thillet is assisting with translations, and Elizabeth Leadon recorded her experience on one of Adventure Canada’s visits to the island.
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Sable Island Institute Officers & Directors
Director of Science
SII Advisory Council
In addition to its Directors and Contributors, the Sable Island Institute has an Advisory Council of experts who provide advice and guidance on issues and programming, and also participate in selected projects. Together, their Sable experience and interests include scientific research, the arts and design, and education and public outreach. Their insights, and their support and enthusiasm for the Institute, are invaluable.
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Krista Patriquin is employed by the Sable Island Institute as the Research Coordinator for the Fences in the Sand project – a collaboration between the Institute and Parks Canada to understand how the wild horses influence the ecosystems and organisms in the Sable Island National Park Reserve.
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