Donate to the Sable Island Institute

What is the Sable Island Institute?

The Sable Island Institute is a multidisciplinary organization that:

  • Protects the unique Sable Island environment through research and environmental monitoring programs
  • Advances public awareness and knowledge of Sable Island by providing educational programs for school children and life-long learners
  • Produces Sable Island artistic works for public awareness and enjoyment

The Sable Island Institute is a corporation registered under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and it is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Funding is secured primarily through donations, fundraising activities like our raffle for a trip to Sable Island, where possible, grants and partnerships.

Our work depends on the support of people and communities that care about Sable Island. Your donation will go directly to the operations and work of the Sable Island Institute to support and promote the protection and conservation of the natural and cultural values of Sable Island through research, collaboration, and education.

Receipts for income tax purposes are issued for all donations of $20 or more. To issue tax receipts, we require your full name (including initials) and email or civic address. And, if you have an e-mail address, please include it so we can email your tax receipt and save the cost of mailing.

You can make a donation in honour or memory of someone. To do so, using one of the three donation options (see below), please indicate your wishes under “additional information” at the DONATE checkout on our website; or select this option at CanadaHelps; or enclose a note with your cheque.

Thank you.

Three options for making a donation

1. DONATE via this website — Make a secure online donation using a credit card.

2. Visit our CanadaHelps profile to make a donation with a credit card or PayPal. Please consider making a regular monthly donation.

Donate Now Through!

3. BY CHEQUE – please mail a cheque to:
Sable Island Institute
P.O. Box 11, Halifax Central
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2L4

Thank you!